

The noise was too loud, almost as if someone was using a drill machine in his head. He craned his head to relieve the cramp in his neck. When he couldn't move he realised where he was; in a coffin deep in the confines of an airplane... He froze for just a second, his eyes slowly widened. How did he get here? Why was he in coffin of all places? He began to panic started hyperventilating trying to get air in this incredibly confined space.

Began moving around pounding against the walls of the coffin, when he suddenly stopped. "This has to be a dream." he concluded. "I'm bound to wake up at some point right?" He mutters aloud although he could barley hear himself over the roar of the planes engine. He started thinking of frightening things attempting to wake himself up.

He tried lying there, screaming for help to no avail, and pinching himself to try and wake up. None of it helped at all it was all a waste of the little time he had left. He closed his eyes trying to remember anything that would help. His name was John Barter. His parents were Jim and Maria Barter, he had a girlfriend Cindy Cannon. John began digging through his mind for something that had brought him here.

It was like waking up, and hours later trying hopelessly remember what your dream was. His memory was evasive he would remember the tiniest thing and he would feel so close to the memory. However it always got away from him. He let out a yell of frustration banging against the coffin lid. "God dammit..." He whispered in a broken sob
"Sombody help me!" *He practically screamed* "Help! I'm not dead!" He yelled as loud as he possibly could.

He broke down in sobs salty tears streamed down his cheeks. "God please I'm not ready! I dont want to die yet!" He half-heartedly pushed against the coffin. John thought about his family whom he would never see again. He prayed that he could get a second chance. Just one chance to make things right.

"I swear I swear I'll quite drinking...God please I dont want to go yet!" He sobbed louder thinking about Cindy, "God baby I'm so sorry...Goddammit it! Son of a bitch! Why? Why me??"
In his self pity he hadn't realized the airplane engines were silent, he was being moved. He felt like he was in motion a spark of hope lit inside him. He began screaming as loudly as he could banging as hard as he could on the coffin. "Help! I'm in here!" He screamed. His cries fell upon deaf ears. A realization came upon him. If they thought he was dead he had to be in a hearse. He started breathing deeper panicking, he was so close to help but no one could hear him!

He lost all hope for a moment his shoulders slumped as he tried to accept that John Barter was dead. What seemed like hours passed in the hot stuffy coffin. It was like he could feel the air depleting he was sweating. While he waited to die he thought about his life. He was a 23 year old high-school drop-out. He hadn't had an ounce of smarts. He did various drugs whenever he could afford them and drank frequently to get away from all the bullshit. He could admit. He was an ass. He wasnt ready to die for it.

He was suddenly being lifted all this time he hadn't realized people were talking he heard someone crying. He went rigid it was his mom...He could hear Cindy too she was saying calm things to his mom, but he could hear her tone he know that tone anywhere. She didn't mean a word she was saying, he started crying again. "Oh god...My girlfriend doesn't care that I'm supposed to be dead..." He felt his heart break into a million pieces. He felt like a scared little bot again.

He started yelling again one more time "Dont bury me! Please I'll do better I swear!"
"I'll change God I promise!", He could hear the dirt spilling over the coffin and he banged on the roof with all his might he felt like his heart was going to explode with fear.

He opened his eyes. Johnathan Barter was in his bedroom panting heavily. He was sweating and could feel the tears down his face. "God...what? Where did I go...?" He felt his face absently "What in the hell just happened?"
He still felt a black hole in his stomach the pit of fear and desperation he was feeling. He took a shakey breathe and let out a deep sigh. His head was fucking pounding, he glanced to his night stand shaking.

The stuffy feeling didnt go away until he opened one of the drawers. *He gently poured the contents of a tiny bag on a mirror settled on his desk.

He shuffled the powder into a line, he took out a dingy straw and inhaled nailing one more nail into his coffin.
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