

Life Is Unfair

"I'm sorry Alaila I have to leave you. YOU DON'T NEED ME Alaila!" Jamie said like it was easy for me. She is the only one I had. The one I trusted. She knows all of my dark secrets and now she's throwing me away for her stupid boyfriend.
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! I NEED YOU ONLY YOU! I TRUSTED YOU! NOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING JUST THROWING IT AWAY HUH?!!!" I couldn't handle it. I couldn't control the tears falling.
"Goodbye Alaila" Jamie said and her stupid boyfriend was smirking at me! He was enjoying this.

After 3 years,

School was okay but today is gonna be the worst day. My school is going for a visit to "Jamie's" school. After 3 years I'm gonna look at her face and her stupid boyfriend too! F*CK! I was happy the fact that I can meet my old school teacher. She's the best teacher ever. We all arrived and the first face I saw was Jamie and looks like she have new friends now. Great! She immediately looked at me when we all arrived infront of her school.
"Hi" Jamie said.
"Who are you?" I asked her bitterly she was taken back by my sudden character.
"Excuse me you must be a lucky! JAMIE ANDERSON IS TALKING WITH YOU!" her friends snapped at me.
"Would you tell that to someone who actually cares about that? I don't want to waste my time" I walked away from them. I could hear her friends arguing with her. Jamie is a girl you shouldn't mess with but she shouldn't mess with me.

"Yo guys! We have a visitor from another school! Not just she looks like a loser she is a loser!" one of Jamie's friend shouted Infront of everyone. I was narrowing my eyebrow at her she smirked and then she said
"That loser lost her parents when she was a small stupid baby and all of her relatives humiliated her Infront of everyone and kicked her out of the house! Look at her! A total loser! Oh she also been bullied and beaten up by many people! Sorry I forgot to mention the part that her parents were killed when she was born and she was adopted but look fate doesn't like you having parents! YOU ARE JUST A BAD LUCK!" she was laughing.
I was fuming. Jamie did not just leave me but told her friends about my past!
I start punching her friend! She was bleeding good and she was weak.
"ENOUGH!!!" Jamie pushed me away from her and I fell.
My head hit a rock. I lost consciousness. Everything was spinning and my vision went blurry.
"ALAILA NOO!" Jamie screamed.
"I love you Jamie whatever you said and humiliate me I would always love you babe!" I told her. She was sobbing.
"Alaila...I..I..Im sorry...." she was sobbing more now.
"Don't" I couldn't stop closing my eyes. I'm trying to be strong but I can't . My head was paining like hell!
"There's too much of blood Alaila!" Jamie sobbed even more now
"ITS ALL MY FAULT!" I haven't seen Jamie like this before. I have never seen. her sobbing this much.
I couldn't tell anything my vision went blurry I tried telling her it was not your fault but I couldn't. Finally words came out "ITS NOT YOUR FAULT!" I said as loud as I can and I died....