

Caught Red-Handed - Episode 3b
Jess paused for a moment, her pencil hovering over the map. "We won't," she said firmly. "But if we do, just stick to the plan. We split up, hide the chocolate, and meet back here. Understood?" Shelly nodded vigorously. Just as Jess was about to go over the plan again, they heard footsteps. Their mother was walking down the hallway, sending a jolt of panic through them.

"Quick, hide the map!" Jess hissed. She swiftly rolled up the map and shoved it under the bed just as the door creaked open. Their mother walked in, her eyes immediately landing on the two of them sitting on the floor, trying to look innocent.

"What are you two up to?" she asked, her tone suspicious but not unkind.

"Just... playing a game," Jess replied, hoping she sounded nonchalant. She could feel her heart pounding.

Their mother raised an eyebrow, glancing around the room. "Make sure you clean up before dinner."

"Yes, Mom," they chorused, nodding vigorously.

"Who was that at the door earlier?" their mother asked, eyes narrowing.

"Some delivery man, I think," Jess said with a smile.

Their mother’s gaze fell on the heap of brown stains strewn across the bed. "Shelly, what's all that?"

Shelly froze. "Uhm, it's choco-" she began, but stopped herself. Their mother took a step closer, her expression growing stern.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Mom, no!" Shelly stammered. Their mother raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Shelly, go clean up now," she commanded, leaving the room.

The next morning, as the girls gathered for breakfast, another truck pulled into the driveway. Its engine idled before shutting off with a final thud, drawing curious glances from everyone at the table.

"Another truck?" Astrid asked, her eyes widening with curiosity. She glanced out the window.

"I'm on it, Mom!" Jess exclaimed, leaping up from her seat and knocking over her bowl of cereal. She dashed outside, leaving a trail of spilled cereal behind her.

Astrid watched Jess’s hurried exit with a mix of amusement and suspicion. "She's up to something," she said thoughtfully.

Ginvera, sitting calmly at the table, smiled indulgently. "You two are just hilarious," she remarked.

"Oh, trust me, she's up to something," Astrid insisted.

Jess, meanwhile, had reached the truck. She stood on tiptoe, trying to peer into the driver's seat, her heart pounding with both excitement and anxiety. The driver wasn't inside, but she had to get Shelly out of the house.

Back inside, Ginvera shook her head, her smile widening. "Maybe she's just trying to be helpful."

Astrid snorted. "Helpful? Jess? She's plotting something."

Jess came back into the house, movements brisk and purposeful. "All clear, Mom!" she announced.

Astrid raised an eyebrow. "So, what was it this time?"

"Just a delivery," Jess said cryptically.

Jess glanced around, ensuring no one was watching closely, and gestured subtly for Shelly to join her. Shelly caught on and followed Jess outside to the truck, where a large tin of biscuits sat temptingly in the cab. They moved with stealth, Jess opening the truck door carefully, revealing the tin of biscuits.

"Quick, grab as many as you can," Jess whispered.

"I'm going as fast as I can," Shelly replied, stuffing the bag. Once the bag was filled, Jess closed the truck door, making sure it looked untouched. "Let's get out of here," Jess said, leading the way to their secret hiding spot.

They tiptoed through the backdoor as planned, suppressing giggles. Once in Shelly's room, they dumped the bag of biscuits onto the bed, staring at their loot with gleeful anticipation.

"This is going to be so good," Shelly said, taking a big bite.

"Totally worth it," Jess agreed, grabbing one for herself. "We're like biscuit ninjas."

Shelly laughed, crumbs spilling from her mouth. "Biscuit ninjas with taste."

Their enjoyment was interrupted by the sounds of frustrated voices from outside. A small crowd had gathered near the truck, their faces etched with anger and concern.

"I don't understand," one neighbor exclaimed. "I've been waiting for this for weeks!"

Another chimed in, "My package was supposed to arrive today, but it's gone."

The delivery man raised his hands. "I'm really sorry. I parked the truck to deliver some goods, and when I got back, they were gone."

Meanwhile, Jess and Shelly, eavesdropping, exchanged guilty glances.

"We should stop," Shelly whispered.

Jess hesitated. "Okay, fine. One more and then we stop."

"No, Jess," Shelly insisted. "I'm done."

Jess's eyes narrowed. "Fine, then I'll rat us both out to Mom."

Shelly clenched her fists. "Fine, one more and then we stop."

The following day, Jess woke early, her senses on high alert. As soon as she heard the truck, she sprang out of bed, darting towards Shelly's room.

"Shelly! Wake up!" Jess hissed. "The truck is here again."

"Okay, I'm up," Shelly said, pushing back her covers.

They ran downstairs, hearing the doorbell ring. "Who's at the door?" their mother called.

"It's the delivery man," Jess said, glancing at Shelly.

Their mother appeared, wiping her hands on a dish towel. Jess and Shelly took advantage of the distraction and slipped outside, heading straight for the truck.

The delivery man turned to their mother. "Please sign here, ma'am."

Meanwhile, Jess and Shelly reached the truck. Jess grabbed the handle and opened the door, revealing boxes inside. They started pulling out boxes.

Their mother followed the delivery man to the truck, her eyes widening as she saw Jess and Shelly scrambling inside.

Jess stood frozen, eyes wide with guilt. "Mom, I can explain," she began. "We were just... taste-testing."

Her mother's eyebrows shot up. "Taste-testing, huh?" she replied, her tone tinged with sarcasm.

The delivery man, looking annoyed, said, "This isn't the first time this has happened. You must pay for the goods they’ve taken."

Their mother sighed heavily. "You two are in so much trouble."

The following morning, the living room was bathed in the blue light of the TV. Astrid lounged on the couch, eyes glued to a show. Jess stood by the doorway, arms crossed.

"Oh my goodness, not this rat thing again. Could you kindly put something else on?" Jess pleaded.

Astrid didn't look away. "What? No. It's a mouse, not a rat. And it’s the best show in the world."

Jess sighed. "How long until the show finishes so I can take the remote?"

"Oh, Mom said the week is all me," Astrid said triumphantly.

"Okay... no, I'm not taking this torture anymore," Jess stammered. "A week?"

"Mhm!" Astrid repeated. "And you’re grounded. Be happy you have a minute to watch before handing over the remote."

"A minute? I'd rather die," Jess retorted.

"30 seconds!" their mother yelled from her bedroom.

"Wait, what? No way!" Jess yelled back, as Astrid switched the channel to Jess’s favorite show.

"Isn't this your show, Jess? Too bad, no one is here to watch it," Astrid smirked.

Jess lunged for the remote. "10 seconds!" their mother yelled again.

Jess screamed, sprinting towards her mother's room. But as she reached the door, she saw her mother sprawled across the bed, face smeared with melted chocolate bars.

Jess stepped back, a faint smile on her face, as her mother’s eyes fluttered open. Seeing the chocolate on her hand, her confusion turned to a stern glare.

"You stop right there, young lady," she said, her voice low and commanding.

© Cipherization