

Wings For Her
Celeste is a fairy princess who lived in the Forest Kingdom Of Ferrie. She's 14,and lived with her father,King Eric, after her mother died. Celeste had never came out of the castle because she was embarrassed for not having wings like any other fairies.Every day,her only wish was to have wings.One night, Celeste was sitting on her bed when she saw a small shining thing, flying through her balcony. She had never seen one before.

The little creature looks like a butterfly, but very small, and had a tail like a fish. "Follow with heart", said a small voice. Celeste was startled at first, but then realized that the butterfly was the one talking. The butterfly flew away,leaving sparkling dust behind it.Celeste follows it,running and sprinting to reach the same speed with the butterfly.As she runs,the butterfly fly outside the castle through a hole at a wall,really high up.
"Oh,no,not!what should I do now?"
Celeste looked up the hole,when she realizes that the butterfly was waiting for her.Suddenly, she heard sound of waving pair of wings. Celeste runs towards a big pillar to hide. It would be bad for her if anybody sees her.
"Your Highness?",whispered a small voice coming from behind her.

would you guys suggest how should I end this story?discuss in the comments.