

The adventures of Manikandan-Episode 5 (Part-2)
The day of the trip.
Well, not to brag or anything but I arrived in my dad's motorbike while the other's were in auto rickshaws and that made me feel proud, but something was making my dad feel even prouder. All the other fathers
were coming to him to book a consultation with him(he is a doctor). But he simply dropped me off and went away. Just then, the other school arrived. And I was awestruck, when Akhila got off from her father's bike. Apparently she studied in the other school, and was here for the trip. I couldn't be more angrier at the rule that didn't allow girl's and boys to share the same room. But we were united in the bus that took us to the hotel although she didn't talk to me much. Maybe she was busy with her friends. We arrived at the hotel in the evening and to be honest, it was not a bad ride. But the hotel was even better. I was so intrigued that I did not even notice that I had stepped at my best friend's foot. While he was cursing me, I noticed another side of the hotel. It was not at all like the first one. It was really dusty and by the looks of it, it seemed like it hadn't been repainted for years.I was staring at it when the supervisor came and told us about the trip and how it happens every year. She said," This trip has some very strict rules that both boys and girls have to follow. You all have to wake up at 6:30 am sharp. Nobody has to go wandering off after 8:00 pm. You all will be divided into groups of 6 and this will be seperate for girls and boys. This is the west wing." she said, pointing to the beautiful building behind her "and that is the East wing " she said, pointing to the rusty old building." You all will be sorted now and after that you can go to your respective rooms."
I went to the teacher who was sorting everyone into groups and I really wished that I will be sorted in the west wing.
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