

part one: deal in hell
The deal:

My quest was simple. Find a way to hell, talk to the devil, and have him give me more time to live. Getting to hell was Fairly easy. I just had to find a witch that was willing to open a gateway for me. Her payment was a bit frivolous though. Finding dead man's toes and a tongue of the damned makes for an entirely different story.
So, here I am. In hell. Wandering around aimlessly. It's not what you think. There are not souls screaming, or tourture racks strewn about. No blood or horrific unfathomable sights to be seen. In fact, I have not seen one single beautiful flame, and it's a shame because I have a pocket full of marshmallows I wanted to roast. No. Hell, was quite bland and cold. It felt like an abandoned cave. My footsteps echoed and I could hear random drips every now and then. I was starting to wonder if I had even made it into hell.
I took my hands and cupped them over my mouth and shouted. My echo was booming. So much so I stumbled a bit and ducked. I smiled though. I liked the sound as it got further and further away.
I took a firm stance and howeld like a wolf. At this point I was being absolutely stupid, but the cave had made me feel rather heavy inside and this was making me feel light again. The echo went on for a long while, and finally a man stumbled out of the darkness mumbling agressively.
"What in the actual hell are you doing?! who are you!"
He was an average size. His hair was pitch black as we're his eyes, his skin had an iridescent kind of glow to it. He wore black jeans and a red plain shirt with a zip up hoodie. He was an ideal wholefoods shopper.
"Oh! Hi. I don't mean to be rude, but I don't have much time. Is this hell, and if it is, can you point me in the way of.. you know... THE BIG GUY."
I whispered the last part and made an awkward just one of the guys gesture and was left standing in an awkward silence.
"Who's asking?"
"Me. I am. I need more time to live up there. You know... Earth."
The guy rolled his eyes and tugged at his messy hair.
"Well, you found me. Why have you come down here if your not dead? Who told you I make deals? I swear, you humans and your bullshit ideas. Do I look like a fairy to you?"
A smirk formed on my lips. His snide attitude greeted my dark sense of humor well. I stared hard at the figure before me. He was no beast at all. I was struggling to find words.
"You? .... Are the devil? But, you don't loo-".
"OH! HERE WE GO. But I don't have horns and goat feet and a stringy tail and pointed teeth! Blah blah blah! Seriously, what the fuck is going on up there? Did someone draw animals on a board, throw darts and decide that was me?"
He was huffing now, and seemed genuinely disturbed.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you I just, wellll you know. Lord of the darkness and all.. I just figured you'd be... Uh. Taller?"
He studied my face and a tiny smile broke across his pale lips. He sighed and shook his head, releasing his tension in his shoulders.
"Look, you know how you all have casual dress Fridays? It's my Friday, ok?"
I shook my head quickly and smiled. He turned to walk away and I followed closely behind.
"So, can you help me?"
"No. No I can't. Even if I could, I wouldn't."
"Please! I need more time. I have so much left to do."
The devil stopped and spun around smoothly
"Look kid. I'm booked. Do you have any idea how many souls I have to damn? It's exhausting. I'm sorry the mighty G O D fucked you, but that's not my problem."
He stared into my eyes and I felt my stomach drop. So much darkness in them, but I found it oddly comforting.
"You seem tired. Like you could use a 1,000 year vacation, kind of tired. I'll make a deal with you. If I can beat you in any game, you give me more time and I keep my soul. Well, what's left of it anyways. If you win, I'll help you out down here. Do the tideous stuff."
The devil studied my face and his eyebrows raised slightly. The silence between us was static.
"You would be willing to risk all of that, for more time? How much more time?
"As much as you can spare."
"Why? It's tragic up there. Why do you want more time to marinate in that?"
"For.. because I... Look, are you in or you out?"
"Tell me why."
"I don't want to."
"Tell me why or it's no deal. Why are you making this a pain in my ass?"
"Jesus Christ.... Oh fuck! Oh my god! I mean shit!! I'm sorry! So sorry! I didn't mean to.."
The devil laughed. It was a deep heavy laugh that turned into an uncontrollable giggle. I smiled and then started laughing as well. Nervous at first then it turned into fits of snorts and gasping for air laughs.
Ten minutes passed and we finally got ourselves together. I would be the only person to say Jesus Christ to the devil.
"Ok look. I'll cut you the deal. BUT. It's best 2 out of 3, and if I win, your body becomes my shell for whenever I want to go up top. I want to live again but not be an actual human. Do we have a deal?"
He stuck out his pale hand and waited for me to shake it. I took a deep breath in and when I released it, I put my hand in his and shook it. His hand was freezing, but it started to get warm, then hot, then scalding. I pulled my hand away quickly to see I had a small flame branded into my palm.
"My name is Lucifer. Let the games begin."
© Aren