

Chapter Twenty-four

Lana's P.O.V

"Rise and Shine!"Candy yelled opened in the curtains.

I groaned.

"Ok do not kill me about this, but I was not gonna just watched you cry the whole day today again."She said.
"What did you do?"I asked.
"I may have or may have not set you up on three different dates with three different guys."She said.
"Candy!"I yelled getting up.
"Its just three dates, please I want you to have fun. I really don't want my best friend to just sit and cry all day long again."She said.
"Ok, and who am I going on these dates with?"I asked.
"guys I met."She Said.
"So I'm going on three dates with three of your ex make out session boys?"I asked.
"Maybe."She said.
"I think I'll spend the day crying, it seems much more entertaining."I said.

I laid back down and she threw a pillow on my head.

"You are going on those dates!"She said.
"You do know that if Nathan wakes up and finds out about this those innocent boys are going to die right?"
"Nathan wouldn't just kill them like that."She said.
"Right, but he'd threaten them then they'd be scared for life and decide to never talk to a woman again."I said.
"Quit making Nathan sound so bad."She said.
"What are these boys name?"
"Shay, Zack and Randy."She said.
"I'm not going."I said.
"You will go!"She said.
"I promised Nathan that I'd always have him in my heart."I said.
"You still will, But you'd just be on a dates with some other boys"She said.
"No"I said.
"Its just three dates, and I'll never put you on another one ever again."She said.
"Ok, so when am I supposed to go on the first date?"I asked.
"Right now, three different days for breakfast lunch and dinner."She said.
"God kill me now."I said.
"Please just go and get ready!"She said.

Nathan's P.O.V

I slowly got up and walked out of the room, where I saw my mom who was just about to come and check on me.

"Your awake!"She said.
"Why did you kick her out?"I ask.
"Why did you kick out my girlfriend! couldn't you have seen that she has been hurt enough!"
"It was her fault!"She said.
"Ok so it's her fault that we are vampires, its her fault for causing a war a thousand years ago! It's her fault for Aby's death! It's her fault for everything! isn't it?"I asked.
"....No"She said.
"I hav'nt seen you for years, You help me with the cops then your gone. Then you talk to my girlfriend in the library....You tell her that she's good for me and then you tell her that's she's not... Did you know that if it wasn't for her last night I wouldn't be standing right here talking to you right now."I said.
"What did she do?"

I chuckled.

"Go back to the others and stay, leave me alone."I said.
"I forbid you to see her, you need to breakup with her this instant!"
"Why would I do that?"I ask.
"Or, I will kill her!"
"You can't do that."
"Have you ever wondered why Olivia stopped stocking you?"She asked.
"Was I dating her then, if she's dead it's not my problem. Her blood is on your hands not mind and I'm sure you cleaned that up well."I said.
"Don't you dare forget who thought you how to kill people."She said.
"Yeah, I killed lots of innocent people just for there blood thanks a lot mom."
"Do not let her know that you are awake."She said.
"That's the plan."I said.
"And I didn't kill your ex"

I went in my room and put on a black hoodie.

"What are you planning on doing?"She asked me.
"I'm going to watch her, to see how she'd spend a day without me."I said.
"So basically you'll watch her cry?"She asked.

I didn't answer her, I just put the hoodie over my head and ran over to Candy's house.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"She asked Candy.
"Yes."She said.

What's going on? I saw a car pull up.

"He's here!"Candy said.
"Just to be clear if you one day find him dead after Nathan's awake it's your fault."Lana said.
"Just go!"Candy said.

Lana sigthed.

"Fine."She said.

She walked out of the house before the boy could ring the doorbell.

"Hi"He said.

She walked past him and went over to his car.

"Are you going to open the door?"She asked him.
"Uh.. yeah sure."He said running over to her.

He opened the door and she went in, he closed it and went inside the drivers seat and took off. I followed them.

Candy s P.O.V

"That's a bad idea."Mark said.
"Next time you decide to see me knock."I said.
"Why would I? Your door is always open for me."He said.
"Is yours?"I asked.

I pushed him down in the coach.

"is it open or is it closed?"I ask.
"Why don't you try and find out."He said.

I went on top of him and started kissing him.

Lana's P.O.V

"Here is the menu."The waiter said.
"Thanks"I said with a smile.

She handed them to us and walked away.

"So do you know why your friend ask me to ask you out?"He asked me.
"I'm as surprised as you are."

I looked at the menu to avoid looking at him.

"I don't think you want to be here with me."He said.
"Why would you think that?"I asked.
"Its just the way you've been acting since I've met you."He said.
"I'm sorry."I put down the menu.
"Can I get to know you?"He ask.
"Why?"I ask.
"Maybe one day I'll ask you out on my own."He said.
"Oh."I said.
"So what are you ordering?"He asked.
"I don't normally eat this early."I said.
"Ok, so we could just talk then."He said.
"Yeah sure, if it pleases you"I said.
"If you don't mind me asking but, have you just gone through a break-up?"
"W-W-Why would you ask that?"I asked.
"Well you look like you've been crying."He said.
"Oh"I said.

Nathan's P.O.V

I was sitting in the chair behind her.

"I haven't been through a breakup, I just lost someone."She said.
"Is the person dead?"He asked.
"No"She said.
"We can talk about somthing else, if you want."He said.
"Uh, yeah. Um so... how did you and Candy meet?"She asked.
"I think you know the answer to that question."He said.
"Ok..."She said.
"Are you uncomfortable?"he asked.
"Yeah...I mean no... I'm fine"she said.
"I can tell that you don't want to be here."He said.
"Ok, so I guess that this date is over then."She said.
"Wait what?"he asked.
"You are right, I don't want to be here I am uncomfortable, and I've been crying for my boyfriend. So good bye."She said.

She got up I hid my face. She walked out and I followed her.She took out her phone and called Candy.

"Hey, can you please come and pick me up? like right now?"She asked.
"Yeah!"Candy said.

The boy walked out and went over to her.

"If this all there is why would you have come on this date in the first place!?"He asked.

She backed away from him taking a few steps too far since she was now standing in the road.

"Um.."She said.
"This is a waste of my time!"He said and walked away.

He has anger issues.I looked at her and saw that a car was about to hit her I quickly ran over to her and dragged her over to me and the car crashed in the building, people ran out of there some of them where screaming I hugged her.She started crying again.

"Thank you..."She said.

I didn't answer her, because she'd know it was me.

"Um... You can stop hugging me now."She said.

I let her go.I kept my head down so she wouldn't see me.

"Who are you?"She asked.

I put my hand her face and kissed her.She pushed me away.

"Are you Crazy!? Thanks for saving me but no!"She said.

She walked away. I waited until she was a little further before so started following her so that she wouldn't think I was.

Lana's P.O.V

What a creep.I saw Candy's Car she park beside me and I went in the back. And she drove off.

"I'm taking it that, it didn't go well."She said.
"You know you ruined something right?"Mark said. Who was sitting in the passengers seat with his hand on Candy s leg.
"Sorry?"I said.
"Where you crying again?"Mark asked.
"Yeah"I said.
"Why?"he asked.
"Because I miss my boyfriend, A car almost crashed in me some guy saved me then he kissed me and now I don't feel safe anymore."I said.
"He saved you? then kissed you?"Mark asked.
"I'm pretty sure that's what I said, Um Candy can you please cancel the other two dates?"
"uh...yeah",she said.
"And let's go to a club tonight."I said.
"Ok."She said.
"Since when do you want to party?"Mark asked.
"Since Now."I said.
"ok, babe what did you do to her?"He asked Candy.
"I didn't do anything."She said.

Mark looked at me.

"Are you ok?"he asked.
"Yeah."I said.

He looked back at his girlfriend.

"Babe? did she drink before she left?"
"No!"Candy and I said at the same time.
"Ok."Mark said.
"Um...have you checked on Nathan lately?"I asked.
"No, but my mom said he's fine."he said.
"ok."I said.
"You probably shouldn't have mentioned her."Candy said.
"Its fine."I said.
"The person who saved you, do you know him?"Candy asked.
"No, he was wearing a hoodie. I didn't see his face and he didn't talk to me either he just kissed me I pushed him and walked away."I said.
"Yeah, he sounds creepy. I'm just glad I came and get you so early. I literally had to run away from Mark since he pinned me d-"Candy said.
"TMI!!!"I said.
"Right,I'm just glad your ok"She said.

I smiled. A few minutes later we arrived at Candy s house.

"You two can go ahead and continue...... Whatever you where doing. I'm gonna go take a nap."I said.

I went inside the guess room and laid down.

Nathan's P.O.V

I followed them back to Candy's house.Lana went inside the guess room and laid down. I'm guessing that she's going to go sleep.I went over to the window and looked at her.A waited a little while until she was sleeping. I opened the window and went inside I closed the door and laid down beside her. I cuddled her. She placed her head on my chest and rapped her foot around my leg. She was still sleeping.

"Nathan? "She asked.

I smiled. I didnt know she thinks about me, even in her sleep.

"Yes, Lana I'm here."I said.

Candy s P.O.V

"I hope she's alright."I said.
"She is, She just misses Nathan."Mark said.
"Why would she want to go to a club?"I asked.
"Maybe she wants to let loose and free her mind."Mark said.
"Well, if that's what she wants then we'll do so."I said.
"Maybe she'll see why she never liked going there in the first place."He said.

I sigthed.

"I'll come with you guys."He said.
"Are you sure that it wouldn't make her feel like a third wheel?"I asked.
"Don't worry I won't do anything that would make Lana jealous."He said.
"Alright, I guess you could come then."I said.
"Even if you said no, I wouldn't come anyway."He said.
"I'm gonna go see how she's doing."I said.
"But, she told us to continue what we where doing so can we please do that?"he asked.
"Later."I said.

I went to the guess room and open the door and gasp.There was a freaking guy laying beside her. It was the same guy she explained that kissed her.I slowly walked over to them I was about to move lana away but her grabbed my arm.

"Shh! Don't wake her up."He said.
"Nathan?"I asked.
"Yeah?"He asked.

I just stayed there.

"Be quiet."He said softly.
"ok?"I said shakily.