

Rivers Run PT 1
"So you think you have everything you need for the baby?" River ask her best friend Blair as they walked out of the mall to Rivers old 4x4 Chevy. "Yeah the nursery is all done we are ready for her to get here. Greg is about to drive me nuts." River laughs as she puts all their bags in the back of the truck. " So are we out of here then?" "Yeah just got to pit up Greg some beer." "We can do that at Mac's when I get gas." River climbs up in her truck she loves it almost as much as her bike. River has rode a motorcycle since she was old enough to sit up her brother Chance and dad Billy was teaching her how to ride as soon as they found a bike little enough for her to start on and as she grew so did her bikes. See Rivers daddy is a very famous custom bike builder he builds bikes for movie stars and all kinds of very wealthy people. And of course Chance and River have ones he built just for them.
River pulls in Blair's driveway and helps her get her things in the house. "Okay girlfriend I am out of here I got to get my stuff packed for the Rally Chance is going to be home for good and this is first time we have seen him for a year." Blair gives her a hug and River heads out the door She waves at Greg down by the barn as she pulls back out on the road. River heads for home.
River still lives at home in an apartment over the garage, she has a great job she works at a huge dog kennel she takes care of around 60 or more different kinds of dogs she has worked for the Rogers since before she got out of high school. And she is 24 now. They pay her very well and she is on vacation for the next 14 days.
River pulls in the driveway and parks where she always does, Her two pit bulls come running to her " Hello baby boys how are you?" Spark plug and Clutch wag their tails and dance around as she gets her bags out of the back of the truck. Her dad comes out of his shop his rottie Ratchet behind him. "Hi daddy are you finishing up?" "Hey baby girl yeah your mom has the RV loads and the trailer hooked up she is getting the last of the stuff now. All I got to do is lock up and shower which one of your children is going?" "Spark is staying with Ratchet they do better together Clutch can go this time. I got to jump in the shower I got just about everything ready to go." River runs up the stairs to her apartment dogs following she puts her stuff away throw a few more items in her bag zips it shut gets her leathers out and then heads to the shower. River is about five five built like a brick shit house with long raven hair and bright blue eyes. She is a head turner to say the least and then add the fact she rides her own Harley well what else needs to be said.
She gets out of the shower and gets her jeans puts on her new tank top that she bought fixes her hair and make up and walks out with her bag and her dogs as her mom Annie is coming out as well with a cooler and Ratchet and Zelda the other Rottie behind her. The dogs are all well trained guard dogs that watch the place. River takes her bag to the RV "Hi momma." "Hey baby are you ready?" "Yes Clutch get in here." The dog gets in the RV and lays down."Good boy." River hears her bike start as her dad pulls it out of the garage he has his loaded on the trailer. "I got to get gas so I will meet you at the 4 way by the highway." River tells her mom. "Okay love you." "love you."
River hugs her dad puts her helmet on gets on her bike and heads to the gas station at the end of town. She gets gas and then she pulls out on to the highway a little ahead of her mom and dad in the RV. She rides on ahead of them and then meets back up with them when they only have about 20 miles to the rally this one is little over a hour from home.
They pull through the gate into the big field where everything is set up for the weekend River signs in and gets her armband and waits for her mom and dad to pull the RV down and park. Then she helps them get the lawn chairs and coolers out and gets Clutch put in his harness and leash. They are parked where they can see the band play and everything that goes on down in that area.
River is getting a beer out of the cooler and someone walks up behind her and says"I didn't think little girls were supposed to drink beer."and swats her on the ass. Clutch starts growling and is ready to run at the guy. When Chance sees Clutch "Come here meat head you don't want to bite me I love you buddy." Clutch jumps on Chance whining and kissing him. River turns around and jumps on her brother wrapping her arms and legs around him. "You are here!!!! I have missed you so much!" "I missed you to Tag along." River jumps down as Billy and Annie come out of the RV "There is my boy." Annie says tears rolling down her face. "Damnit momma don't cry." Chance picks his mom up in a big hug. Then he hugs his dad. "Hey how you been you look good." Billy steps back "You look like a fucking moose son." River stands by her brother while they talk three other guys walk up. Çhance introduces them to River and his mom and dad. "This is Whip, Gunner and Bottlecap where the fuck is Kash?" Another guys comes walking over and starts to say something to Chance. "Lord have mercy on my heart where did she come from?" Chance gives Kash a look.
"This is my little sister River and my mom and dad Billy and Annie." Kash is still looking at River the guy they call whip kicks his foot. "It's a pleasure to meet you both I am the proud owner of one of your bikes my brother had one built and then he got cancer and can't ride anymore so he gave me the bike. Stanley Tate?" "I remember him nice man sorry to hear about his health." Billy says.
"I am going down to see if Mel is here to start on my new tattoo." River says. "Talk to you later glad you are home." River gets on her bike and pulls over by the RV Annie gets a piece of leather and hands it to River and then a little stool sitting it next to the side of Rivers bike. River puts the leather over her gas tank on the bike and slides back a little on the seat."Clutch up boy." The dog jumps up on the stool and then steps over on Rivers bike laying down on the gas tank with his head between the handlebars. "You got to be kidding me?" Kash says to Chance. "Nope she has two dogs and both of them will ride with her they have since they were puppies." River takes off down to the place where the tattoo bus is parked.
Chance and his buddies take off "What the fuck dude you never said your sister looked like that." Kash says. "Oh did I fail to mention that?" All 4 of his buddies say yes at the same time. Kash growls at the other 3 "You 3 goons don't even need to remember what she looks like." Chance laughs "And you do?" "Come on man don't be like that." "Well I don't think you will get far before she will tell you to kick rocks. Kash that's my baby sister you hurt her I see one tear because of your ass you are going to get your ass kicked." "I get it so I can try ask her out tell me yes in front of these guys." "yes" "Alright I will be see you asswipes around later there is a beautiful woman waiting for my attention." Kash swings his leg of his pony and hits the button and rides down to the bandstand. Whip looks at the others " 20 bucks says she cuts him to the bone first time." Gunner laughs "I ain't betting on that shit but I am going to watch just how long it takes and besides he may got the okay from the moose but he hasn't got one from daddy or the dog." " That's true they get on their bikes and head back down to watch.
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