

A mother's call
A daughter was in her room upstairs, doing her homework, when suddenly she heard her mother call to come down for dinner, she jumped onto her feet and began making her way towards the stairs, but before even took a step, hands grabbed her and pulled her into the laundry room besides the staircase.

she panicked before realising it was her mother, her real mother, eyes watery and bloodshot " Don't go down there honey, I heard it too"
The daughter and mother kept silent the cracking sound indicates that someone was coming up through the stairs ... slowly and smoothly the sound was coming closed the kid tried hard to not cry and put her hand on her mouth which caused a muffled voice to come out through her mouth the mother seeing her daughter's this vulnerable state couldn't help but to caress her back to soothe her down the sound slowly faded away the kid thought maybe the creature has gone to search the other room she looked back at her mom to but the next scene made her throat dry ,her eyes widen there where was her mom there was Noone and suddenly the door open flashing a feminine figure the figure came closer and closer when the face e
was clear enough for the child to see only a word came from her mother "mommy!" and she burst out