Lucille Feels Sad And Lonely
It was a rainy morning and Lucille Cockrell was at shadow leigh nursing home. Her friend Catherine Murphy came to visit her because Lucille called her over, and she was feeling very sad. I remember when all of my brothers and sisters were alive they use to have these family get together, I came to every one of their houses I went to MacLee’s house, Jubilee’s house, Polly’s house, and Venus’ house as well. They were so nice to let me and my children come over now my other siblings Murdoch Jr. I never get to see him as much when he died I was told that his cause of death was kidney failure, Venus’ caused of death was type 1 diabetes she wasn’t even taking good care of herself and nor her children was taking care of her said Lucille. I am sorry that happened but let ask you this when did all of your siblings died? Catherine ask my siblings were in...