

That was the last day I saw him.

Till date I think about him and smile, I have no idea where he is, but I’m sure he’s the world a better place with his charm.

Still Having Him In My Heart.

One day when I was returning from the canteen to my classroom I saw him in the way back. He is easily the handsome boy I’d ever met. He is my senior though.From that day I have always thought of him. Everytime I entered the classroom,In my heart I’d look for the bright smile and those deep brown eyes. On 9 mar 2017 When I was in the way I saw him behind me so, I thought that today that I should talk to him, and it might be right if I told him about my feeling, anyway that was the last day of our exam. When I turned back he was not their. Then I thought maybe it's not the right time then I went back home.
After 2 months again I saw him and I was so much happy that I can't express myself here. When I started to approach him suddenly one girl called him while running towards him and hug him tightly. That day, my heart was broken and I went to my best friend house and cry loudly while hugging her. She tried to comfort me. and that day I stayed with her. I was so much broken that I didn't even want to go to school. Then my bff told me, "hey listen, just ignore him okey! he can't feel you nor going to stop you from crying just stop thinking about him." When she told me that that words I feel much better and we went to school. I saw him again in the school hall and feel heartbroken. But still I try my best to ignore him but I can't help it and my heart always wanted to look for him whenever I saw him I feel good. This situation lasted at least two years with me and I spent my 2 years with this. After two years I heard the he was going to leave our school and also decided to went to another start. When I went to saw him his friends celebrating his farewell and that day I thought that whatever happens today, I have to tell him about my feeling for him. Then I went to him and propose him he rejected me by saying," sorry, I can't accept your feelings I am not going to stay here although I have no gf but still I can't accept sorry." Then he left the school. it was the last word I heard from him and also the last day I saw him.
And till date I have not seen him. He was still there in that state where he went to study three years ago. And from that day I was always tried to text him but I didn't get any response from him.

I think he forget about me😞😞. What should I do? Do you have any idea? I can't help it anymore I want him that much that I can't express. Please someone told me what should I do??😞😞😞😭😭. I don't want to stay like this forever. I had always tried to forget about him but I can't. The more I try to forget about him, the more he comes into my mind and hard to forget about him.