

A new turn.
The setting was perfect. Candlelight, polished cutlery and a single rose set in a delicate vase at each table.
It's my job to set the tables till customers arrive.
But today was a special day. Yes special, why? Because today's reservation was special. Today this decoration means something else then the regular days. It speaks in there own way. The melodious smell of roses fill in perfectly. A Ray of hope and love enlights surrounding. Soft music was filled with love.
And the time arrives as a beautiful girl, with long bold hair, shine in her eyes with a gentle and warm smile, wearing a floral body hugging dress enters followed by a strong bold man besides her. His looks was what you can say a Greek God himself. But he hold a loving smile on the face with warm eyes, holding that beautiful girl tightly with his hand around her small waist, seems that fits perfectly. He leads the girl to their reserved table. Being a gentleman man pulled out chair for his girl with the same heart winning smile, which can make any girl on her knees. Sliding beside the chair of the girl. He hold her hand giving a smile. Couple and the decor both were in a flow, a flow of love that I have only read in novels. But here I was encountering one myself. Watching them so loved and passionate with each other I feel my heart warming, warming with feeling of love, someday I wish to find same love I'm seeing and experiencing here.
As time passed, the man with shine and fear in his eyes, yes fear is what I saw, stood up from his sit making the girl confused and shock. He pulled out a small Tiffany box from his pocket, bending down and sitting in his one leg, making girl raise from her sit. Atmosphere was turning a different way from warmth feeling turned to cold filled with confusion, fear and shock.
As the man open the box, their was a beautiful diamond ring, making the girl gasped. And tears flowing from her eyes with a big smell making the man huge her. Yes he proposed her in the best way any one would want.
It was a love proposal of life. A life filled with promises, happiness, love, sadness, struggle.. Everything but to be with each other together in all the way till the end.
Yes it was a special day a special occasion for me to be part of, and them to start a new life.
I have heard love can't b seen but there I am watching love taking a true new turn.
© -Vini