

The Anchient Ones (a time before humans)
In the primordial era, when the Earth was still young and raw, the land was ruled by the ancient ones – the trees. Towering and wise, they stood as sentinels, their roots delving deep into the earth's core.

In a lush valley, a magnificent oak named Arkea reigned supreme. Her bark was rough and weathered, her leaves a vibrant green, and her branches stretched towards the sky like nature's own cathedral.

Arkea was the guardian of the valley, watching over the creatures that roamed beneath her shade. There were the gentle Luminari, iridescent beings that danced on the wind, leaving trails of glittering light in their wake. The burrowing Wormkins, with their soft, pulsing bodies, tunneled through the earth, creating hidden pathways and secret chambers.

One day, a great storm swept across the land, threatening to upend the balance of the valley. Arkea stood firm, her roots digging deep into the earth as the winds howled and the rains pounded against her trunk.

As the storm subsided, a new creature emerged from the depths of the forest. A massive, scaled being, with eyes that burned like embers, and wings that spanned the width of the valley. The Wyrm, a creature of legend, had awoken from its slumber.

Arkea, sensing the Wyrm's power and wisdom, reached out with her ancient energy, and the two formed a bond that would shape the destiny of the valley. Together, they maintained the balance of nature, ensuring that no single creature would dominate the others.

And so, in a time before humans, the natural world thrived, governed by the harmony of the ancient ones – the trees, the Luminari, the Wormkins, and the Wyrm – each respecting and honoring the place of the others in the grand tapestry of life.
© SavageKing1