

Mount Fuji Honeymoon
I had already experienced being lied to, stolen from, and punished for things I didn't do by my new stepfather. It took decades of work to come to terms with what was done to me. I can only say that every single word in each of my stories published here are absolutely true. I have never suffered from hallucinations, and have never been delusional. I will extend the courtesy of warning the reader that many things I write about will undoubtedly be disturbing. With that in mind, I continue my work of telling the many stories of my childhood.

I was told by my mother that she and he were going on a trip for their honeymoon. Of course having been back living with my mother who used to be my sister according to my adopted grandparents for a few months, I wanted to be with her. I was told no, but that night in Higashi Zushi Japan, my new stepfather came and asked me if I wanted to come with them and that he would talk to my mother about it. What he did was lie to her as usual. In front of me, he told her that I threw a fit, and refused to be left behind. In reality, although I didn't say a word I was never allowed to throw a fit or demand anything so the whole thing was distasteful to me, and I had no choice but to go along. My mother insisted on the way to the little Inn we were headed to, that he slow down and pull closer to the side of the snow covered road so she could snap pictures of the 2 Japanese business men in their suits and trenchcoat peeing on the side of the road. I wanted to hide.

We arrived at a small Inn near the base of Mount Fuji. It was off season so there really wasn't anyone around but a couple of staff people. We slept on the floor, and when I awoke I was alone. I was hungry and who knew where my parents were...so I searched until I found the maid there cleaning and readying the place for closure for the season. She was very nice to me. Since my parents weren't around, and didn't say anything before they left she was pretty puzzled by the chain of events. She explained that there was nothing there to cook or eat, but after some thought she asked if I liked honey. Yes! She said she had an idea and would be right back! I was very excited to see what she was up to! This was after she brushed my hair, and put my hair in ponytails which I wasn't allowed to wear after my stepfather became part of the family. No idea why.
Soon, here came the nice young lady with a big bowl of freshly fallen snow! She set the bowl down and showed me how a packet of honey drizzled over the top, soon became so cold that it became the consistency of taffy! It was so delicious! I thanked her over and over, as I slurped the melted snow in the bottom sweetened with honey.

My parents soon came back, and the nice maid insisted on talking privately to my mother although she tried to dodge the confrontation. In the small area where condiments, utensils and cups were kept between the dining area and the kitchen the maid began sort of telling my mother off. I heard things like, she didn't know what she was trying to do with a child, but how this wasn't a babysitting place and it was off season as well so there was nothing for anyone to eat, and how could they just leave me behind and how I had no one to look after me, no coat, no hat, no gloves....

Soon afterwards, I was told that we were going on a hike and I would have to come along and keep up since I didn't stay in my room at the Inn like I was told. Little did I know they were attempting to get rid of me.
As soon as they began to hike up along the trail I began to feel the temperature change. I looked down and there were little clouds passing by! It was magical but as soon as I looked up I could no longer see my parents. I kept asking them to slow down, and I began to get upset because I couldn't see or hear them.
I soon felt his hands pick me up from the waist...and for a moment I thought he was going to put me up on his shoulders. To my surprise I was suddenly placed up on the end of a long sticking up on the side of the entrance to the Inn. It was no bigger around than my little butt and was more than 5 feet off the ground. I was scared I would fall off and as he walked away he told me then I had better not move until they returned. I managed to turn around enough as unhappy and scared as I was in time for one of them to snap a picture of me, and I still have it to this day.
Later I was told we were going to the beach. I didn't have my inflatable swim ring, and it was a blustery overcast day. I didn't want to go swimming because the water was cold and choppy. I don't remember if it was the same day as the hike or if it was on another day. I don't remember at 4 years old at the time, if the beach was a different trip altogether or if it was still on their honeymoon. Regardless, I was informed that because he was in the Navy he was going to teach me how to swim. I was NOT happy with the idea, not at all and did not trust him anyway.
I wasn't given a choice.
I was already scared but was told that afterwards I would no longer need a swim ring.
My mother stayed up on the shore where it was dry, with a blanket or jacket over her to stay warm. It made no sense to me why we had to do this on this day, but so be it.
I thought he would pick me up, and show me what to do. That wasn't at all what took place. He got me to go in deep enough that I could barely keep my chin above the water. He instructed me to use only 4 fingers and no thumb to lightly hold onto his shoulders. I was told not to grab, and to float. Not to come close but to float and kick as we went deeper.
To anyone with any experience swimming in the ocean, you know that when a wave even a small one comes you should go through it or under it. If you keep trying to go over it in your own time you would be fighting the waves. You have to go with the rhythm of the ocean. As soon as I realized how precarious this situation was, and what his intentions were as he would swim a few feet and look back over his shoulder to see how far my mother was, I started seeing that he was intending on drowning me.
I kept trying to explain that he needed to not fight the waves but to go with them, but every time I opened my mouth to talk...in came more sea water. I must have swallowed a few gallons before he finally ended up swallowing some too. I had enough swimming experience from going to the beach every day after my grandmother got off work and picked me up in Hawaii, that I was able to remain afloat with four fingers on each shoulder. But soon, I began to choke and although I tried to explain many times to save us both from drowning I finally gave up and managed to blurt out, "YOU'RE GOING TONDROWN US BOTH!"

After finally reaching the shore again, I cried and cried....finally making it up to where my mother was sitting...and kept telling her that HE TRIED TO DROWN ME! But, she just couldn't handle the truth. Or maybe, she knew the whole time.
To get me to shut up, he soon got the bright idea to get a watermelon from a nearby man with a cart of them. I was told to eat as much as I wanted, and that I could just swallow the seeds. They wouldn't hurt me. My mother was concerned that I was eating too much - something she continued to vocalize during my childhood. He insisted that I should be allowed to eat as much as I wanted and that this was the only way I would learn.
I soon felt sick as we were walking away down the sandy embankment, and all those seeds, all that watermelon, and all that sea water came back out...

Honeymoon? More like a nightmare for me, as there were more twists, turns, made up reasons, and deadly consequences than I could have ever imagined...all because he got lost one day driving around in Hayama, and I saw him run over a girls foot and he refused to stop.

They say Karma is a Bitch. I can't replace my childhood, or take away all the horrible things in my memory but I so hold out hope that Karma will indeed come back to bite the evil doers in this world.
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