

Smart Story
"And your phone have never battery?", She almost looked frustrated.
Now it's my time to save myself.
"I always plugged in?", I said, I am bit tired.
"And you always forget to switch on", she replied very smartly.
This something, she told me many time. And I kept on failing every time.
"It's 20, still you can make phone call", I said though I know it's nonsense.
"I don't want to make call", she replied with her sharp eyes.
"Phones are meant to make calls", I excused, nonsense once again.
"You just don't have phone, it's smart phone", she replied.
That made me smile little. We always have conversations like this and she always win it. And here I got something to make romance wiht her.
"That's not the point", I tried. She knew, I was going to make my way to her heart. And she promised herself to won't allow me to enter in.
She just nodded, she didn't smile. She has big & scary eyes on me.
"I just don't have wife, I have smart wife", I thought she will melt down.
But she didn't, she came to me with phone in hand. She came closer and I gave my ears because she wanted to whisper in my ears. And I knew, it must be something naughty.
"And have you ever forget to charge her?", She whispered slowly. And I smiled, she also. Because we know, what are we talking?
I just took a deep breath. She is very clever.
"Get it charge for me", she handover phone in my hand.
"Phone or I?", I asked.
"I love smart", she replied.