

'You ok?' my host asks, after the initial want of dismissing the matter, I start to narrate my story in full - the reason for planning this trip was to find my hidden ludo game-set, which I hoped, I had buried under the big mango tree behind the village school. But unfortunately when I searched for it, I couldn't find it. My whole reason for coming here seemed futile.

As I stopped my narration I try to find the reason for opening this easily in-front of him - maybe it was we being alone; our wives had gone to overlook the lunch preparations or maybe it was the safety of knowing that I won't have to face him tomorrow; wouldn't be reminded of my stupidity or maybe I hoped that he being one of my childhood friends; would understand me better. Next moment another thought arise into my mind, wouldn't it have been better: I stayed silent, board my train, and I forget this whole episode like a bad dream - no I have to puke all out, and in the process portray myself as a fool.
My host laughs, that's it - that was the reason I was not opening up to anybody.
"Don't take my laughter personally" he says, and excuses himself. I just hope he has not gone to bring our wives and make me an even bigger fool.

He returns with a whiskey bottle and two empty glasses "hope you are not celebrating my stupidity!" I blur out the words.
Smiling he hands me a wooden box "what is it?" I ask taking it.
"Open it" he replies, and start to fix the drinks.
I open the box, and take out the package which is carefully packed. As I open the last layer of packing, I stop for a moment and keep looking at the item. Inside the package proudly lies my old ludo game-set. Holding it in my hands feels surreal. My trip now feel complete.
"Can I keep it?" I ask.
"Of course, it is yours" he replies.
Handing me the drink, "care for a game?" He asks.
I giggled like a five-year-old child.