

Lady Jane's blogs || prologue/intro
In an era without the high technology contraptions of the world today, perhaps these words would have been published at the far off corner of a magazine where no one would notice and no one cared to take a glance of. Or perhaps, the ones written here would just be so uninteresting and so way off that I would choose to delight myself with the thought of embedding it on letter parchments so that I may send them to myself in a cycle of today talking to a future Lady who knew not what she's supposed to do.

But whether or not you have come to read this as is, or as I have mentioned, it is not really within my concern. My only say about the matter is that I write as how I perceive the world and do so as I please. Whether you burn the letters, trash the newspaper, or skip this entirely on this 'newsfeed' I happened to have heard of from gossip in mad time travelers chaotic rambling, I wouldn't have a care. I am here to write, and for that I am to continue.

The carriage of letters are waiting, I might leave everyone of you behind. But I'll ask you this once. Would you care to join me or not?


A sort of blog of the author's days wrapped into the layers of fictional tales in a different era altogether. Day 1 would be posted tomorrow.

Lady Jane's blogs
© jane