

the last day
the secret was how to escape from death
how can i live. it was interesting to understand each step to become more and more feel free. It was not so difficult idea i felf i can do it. he told me to prepare a time table first i felt why i have to prepare the time table for i know i will die without the cause i will be buried without the funeral mass. But still i listened him he continued tell to your mind that you will do as it is written in the time table for his satisfaction i just pretendend that iam intrested to follow his guidance. he told me first u imagine you are living in your home and plan whatever you have to do, you have to read the news paper, clean the rooom, prepare breakfast, have it go to garden clean your surroundings go to visit your relatives have fun with your friends go for party send time in the park watch movies read good books play your favorite games with your favorite star's you feel you have so much to do .when you do all the
activities you feel like taking rest and take a good rest and think it is evening
and when you wake up next day feel that it is your morning.