

I have seven promises for my loved one.❤
I think I've met thousands of ppls but I only loved you and I'll do it for life.

1) I promise to be there for you every second, minute and hour of everyday. Unless, my favourite TV show is on (in which case I’ll be there for you during ad breaks).

2) I promise to miss you every time we’re apart, irrespective of the time or distance you’ve been away. I’ll always look forward to seeing you again as long as you bring chocolate.

3) I promise to always be there for you just like you have always been there for me. You are the first person I go to when I need help, support or the best hug ever.

4) I promise to be your personal genie and make your every wish my command. So if there’s anything you ever need master, just wish!

5) They say that people and their choices change as they age. I promise that no matter what you choose to be later in life, I shall continue to fall in love with you, a little more every day.

6) No matter how old we get, I promise to always remind you that to me you will remain as cute as you did the first time I saw you.

7) I promise that if I ever happen to break any of the promises, I shall quickly write 7 more promises to make up for the promises I broke. Promise!