

The Mysterious Temple 3
Legend said that there were three mysterious temples in the forest, and two of them were already explored by Cloe The Explorer. But it was believed that the 3rd temple had a magic lamp which has the power to restore a desert into a wonderfull city. So one day the King of the desert kingdom told his daughter Alisha and his son Ayden to find out the secret temple with the magic lamp, so that they can restore the desert to a city. Alisha and Ayden found out that it was Cloe The Explorer who discovered the other two temples. So they decided to ask the help of Cloe to find out the third temple. They approached Cloe and asked her help. Cloe was just waiting for another opportunity to go for an exploration, so she agreed to help them. Cloe was knowing how to find the third temple. The first mysterious temple which she found out has the secret power that whatever you pray in that temple with come true. So Cloe took Alisha and Ayden to the first mysterious temple in the forest and they prayed to show them the way to the the 3rd mysterious temple with the magic lamp. Suddenly with a huge sound a wall in the temple opened and it was a tunnel. Cloe took a torch from her backpack and they started walking through the dark tunnel and at the end of the tunnel they found the third mysterious temple. They entered the temple through the entrance. Inside they found a stand made of stone over which the magic lamp was kept. They thought they can just take it, but they did not realise that there was a huge booby trap. When they went closer to take the lamp, the booby trap trapped them and they got stuck in a wooden cage. But Cloe The Explorer, as usual was prepared with her backpack, which contains all the necessary items which may comes handy during such explorations. So Cloe broke the wooden cage with the help of the emergency hammer from her backpack. Then they went back to the desert kingdom with the magic lamp. That night the King, Alisha, Ayden and Cloe took the magic lamp to the top of a sand mountain and they lighten up the magic lamp. Suddenly all the desert where the light of the lamp reached was converted to a wonderful city. The king named that city as Andros City, and they all lived there happily ever after.

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