

I only want you - Chapter 2
I woke up with a terrible headache, I might just skip school today, but I can't because If I stay home alone I'll would die of boredom,

I honestly don't feel like dressing up all sexy today, I'll go in my pajamas

Mom can I wear my pajamas to school?

No, don't be lazy, put on some decent clothes for school and come down stairs for brakefast.

Alright then, at least am not running late again for school like the last few weeks, and I have no other choices this morning, I have to take that stupid school bus, I'll head down stairs to eat,

Mom what did you prepare?

"Some waffles"

No mom, I wanted some pancakes you're  the worst, and where is Logan? Is he fake being sick to not go to school?

I'll Call him.

Logan get your ass down here, before I drag you out of bed by your ears myself,

Logan I said get you lazy ass up, I'm the  bigger sibiling you should listen to me, although you never do,

"Fine I'll be down In a minute", Logan shouted back.

And mom I have a question why are you always so strict with me and not with Logan who do drugs, and you'll get all mad at me even if I say I'm going on a date with a boy, you know what mom save it I don't want to hear your excuses, I have school to attend.

Driving with the school bus was horrible some people was singing, chewing gum loudly and all sort of thing. They disgust me, I couldn't wait to get out of this bus,

When the bus arrived at the school's gate I immediately came out and headed toward the school main door, ask I took another step forward I heard someone say

Hey, hold up can we talk,

I didn't answer because I wasn't sure if it was me they were referring to,

Hey emily please stop it's zac.

Oh hey I guess, am a little surprised you even know my name, since you never talked to me before

I was wondering if you could help me with some math equations,  like a tutor session

No, zac the answer is no, after the way you treated me hell no.

I'll even pay you,

I don't want your money I said walking away from him, as he said please I beg of you am sorry ok. No bye I have class to go to I'll see you around

30 minutes later,

My first class had ended, I had to do a presentation on Steve jobs, I was super nervous, luckily Mr. Cameron gave us an extension,

I was walking really fast to my locker to put my books away when Ashley came and poured here drink on me

"Oops"my bad am so clumsy

Oh no, my favorite jeans are gonna stained, saying a sorry won't hurt.

Dont flatter your self thats never in a million years gonna happen have fun cleaning that off you Emma,

It's Emily, not emma, I then went to the bathroom to clean it up, I realized I had to take off my jeans to do that, as I was minding my own business I heard the toilet flushed, I turned around and looked, oh shit,

Zac! What are you doing in the girls bathroom?

No this is the boys bathroom,

I'll just go then, don't go he said while he grabbed my hand  just hear me out, I really need your help in maths, I'll even do anything for you in return

It took a while for him to convince me, until I said yes,

Alright meet me outside after school

Thank you, He came up to me out of no where and hugged me I didnt hesitate to hug him back, being so close to him, feeling the warmth  of his body and feeling his abs as he squeezed me tightly was absolutely magical.

As school ended I walked to go outside as a taught ran thought my head its seems Anna and Tessa didn't come to school today, they could have tould me, I'll ask them what happens  when I go home.

Emily over here get in, oh hey zac I didn't know you had your personal chauffeur who drove you to school, now where are we going?

If I tell you it won't be a suprise, right?

I guess.

© kimaleeclarke