

The Howard's of Star Base 10 and 12 : Chapter 12: Lady Anastasia Caroline Howard Duchess of Northampton Territory
Lady Tess Hardwick went into labor with Lord Andrew Charles Howard child on December 31, 2285 at 10:00 PM and Lord Andrew and Lady Karissa drove in from Norfolk to Lord Andrew Charles country manor where Lady Tess was hiding in the country.

Lady Karissa sat with Lady Tess while she went through her labor and everything.

" Lady Tess you realize that this child belongs to Lord Andrew Charles Howard and the child is a Howard. " Lady Karissa explains

" Lady Tess. Lord Andrew Charles Howard used you to increase his dynasty." Lady Karissa explains.

" You are no more than a breeding mare for Lord Andrew Charles and he will take custody of this child and you will be exiled from Norfolk Territory and any territory that the Howard's govern on Star Base 12. You might consider Suffolk or Bedford or Somerset Territory where the Howard's don't have any rule." Lady Karissa explains.

Lady Tess Hardwick at the stroke at 12 a.m. gives birth to a beautiful baby girl that Lord Andrew Charles names Lady Anastasia Charlotte Howard and he creates her Duchess of Northampton Territory on Star Base 12.

Lady Tess is never able to hold the daughter she gives birth to but Lady Karissa raises Lady Anastasia Charlotte with the same love she gives to her own children.

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard is the only child that will not accept Lady Anastasia Charlotte but the rest do.

Lady Elizabeth age 10 exclaims " I will not recognize her. She is a daughter of a courtesan."

" If I were Duchess I would exiled both of them from Norfolk Territory." Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane tells Lady Karissa.

" Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane you are not Duchess of Norfolk Territory but your time will come." Lady Karissa explains.

Lady Samhain, Lord Andrew Charles JR Lady Caroline Matilda and Lord Richard William Carey JR all accept Lady Anastasia Charlotte Howard as their baby sister.

Lord Andrew Charles walks in and he picks up Lady Anastasia Charlotte in his arms and he walks over to Lady Karissa and he gives her to Lady Karissa and says " Take our daughter to Beltane Manor."

" I will see to Lady Anastasia Charlotte Howard Andrew Charles " Lady Karissa tells him.

Lady Anastasia Charlotte Howard is born January 1, 2286 and it's with Lady Sophia Charlotte Dorothea she bonds with as they are only 10 months a part in age.

In fact in 2316 Lord Andrew Charles Howard walks two daughters in their cotilloin and both daughters are sought after but Lord Andrew Charles will not make his daughters enter into a loveless marriage.

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