

Cassies dream PT 14
Ty and Cassie pull in the driveway around mid morning Sam and Steve are taking care of the horses. Sam has Vegas on a lead rope walking her around the front of the barn."She looks like she has grown a foot." Cassie says getting Rocket out of the trailer she takes his to the empty corral at the side of the barn he takes off at a fast trot. She walks up and pets Vegas. "Well done you had two really good night's." "Thank you Rocket was ready to run. Everything here okay?" "Yeah lost a colt not sure why when she went into labor the heartbeat was strong but the little thing didn't make. It was one of Steve's horses glad he was here to help." Sam tells her. "I am ready for a bath and a nap I am going to the house." "Okay there are two packages for you one came couple days ago and the other just came this morning they are from Shelly I think." Cassie hurries to the house on the table are two good sized flat boxes she opens the first one and can't believe what she is seeing to a photo of her and Rocket going around the second barrel at Chicago on the bottom it says 16.32 new arena best time and the date. She sees the note that is includes. Cassie dear I thought you would enjoy this much more than flowers to tell you job well done so proud of you. Tell Ty to hang it in all hallway for you I hope the whole wall will be covered soon. Shelly Cassie hurries to open the other one and it is her and Rocket coming off the last barrel at Nashville they both are amazing shots. She lays it down next to the other one and goes to the back door "Ty honey come here." Ty and Steve walk in the kitchen "Look at what Shelly sent me." They both stepped over to look."Wow those are great. Shelly is the best at getting you something that no one else would think of that is really a no brainer but yet no one but her seems to do it."Steve says. Ty is still looking at the photos. "They are good shots." Ty says. Cassies phone rings. She answers and says yes several times then she looks at Steve 1:30 tomorrow work for you?" "Yes I can do that." Cassie tells the person the phone that time is fine and she says just a minute and he will give you the address to his office." She hands Steve the phone. Steve gives them the address and then tells Cassie "You have another call coming in." Cassie answering it. "Yes yes just a minute please "Pro rodeo magazine wants to do an interview and wants to come here so they can take pictures and stuff." "That's fine" Ty says. Cassie goes back the call "Yes that is fine. nine o'clock tomorrow. alright thank you." She ends the call and looks at Ty "I am going to bathtub and then a nap. She opens the frig and smiles. "I love my mom so much. She brought food for us." Steve laughs "Yeah she did and it is really good too." " I eating taking a bath and laying my ass down." Ty says. "0kay you two go rest and Sam and I will get everything taken care of with the horses, I will go home and see you guys tomorrow afternoon. Love you moose." Steve says heading out the door. Cassie gets the food out and starts warming it up. Ty goes to the bedroom gets undressed and hits the shower grabs some shorts and goes back to kitchen Cassie has a plate fixed for him they sit down to eat and Cassies phone starts ringing again. "Hello" "Yeah you are a bitch both of you." "Yes I have a lot of extra room you know it I will see you then I love you both bye" Cassie ends the call and looks at Ty "Nina and Missy will be here on Friday. And we should have a cook out on Sunday." Ty smiles at her "Baby I don't care what we do on Sunday as long as I get to go to sleep now." Ty gets up takes his plate and puts it in the dishwasher. He kisses Cassie on the cheek. "I will be there in a few minutes." Ty heads to bedroom. Cassie takes care of her plate sends her my a text to say thanks for food and she can bring Moon home if she wants. Then she gets here a note pad and writes down everyone she will ask to come over on Sunday. Sam, Steve, Lance and Heather, Jeff and Lacey Beth and Lee Adam and Madison and Nina and Missy. Then she makes a list of food Burgers And Chicken potatoes salad. Her mom and Moon comes in the back door."There is my boy were you good for grandma?" Moon licks her face happy to see her. "He is the best grandson ever, you kicked some butt in Chicago Seen Tonya got her another horse." Amanda says. "Yeah he could be a good horse I think but he is green I mean I put Rocket in the same spot as barrels he runs them on his own she hasn't worked that horse enough. PRM will be here in the morning for an interview and take pictures and tomorrow I meet with people from Ford and Wrangler. about sponsoring me.Steve is going to be there too. Missy and Nina will be here on Friday and a BBQ on Sunday." Cassie gets it all spit out. Amanda says "Well what you need me to do " Amanda walks around the table and looks at the pictures "These are awesome where did they come from?" Shelly sent them to me as a gift They are really cool." "That was nice of her I am going to go so you can rest I will help with the food for your get together on Sunday. I love you and proud of you, did you talk to your daddy?" "Yeah I wonder what wrong." "His appt is Thursday he said he would call afterwards" "Okay" "Talk to you tomorrow." Cassie shuts the lights off and heads to the bedroom she walks in and she stops looking at the bed Ty is sleeping he is such a beautiful man he has his arm curled around Moon. The little dog lifts his head up."Traitor." Cassie goes and starts her bath. She soaks in the tub for a while then climbs in bed with Ty before she goes to sleep she looks at Ty again "I am falling for you and this life hard. There I no way I could want for more."
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