

Death is the time of life which is most came for every creature in this earth, even God's are also one of them.But through this death journey all need to try to touch the Supreme power increaditably. How much we got and how much we leave to make origin after passing our death journey respectively. Human beings has Supreme power and well sensations than other creature. So it need to work well in our life occurancy in this earth extensively. We are all acknowledged about the truth values but we are avoiding the truth values of death. For a small period of life we are all trying to got all accommodations inreach. But we are not trying acknowledge about the Supreme sense which is given by the God to human beings. We are not use it in right and proper ways extensively. In this short period of life we are quarreling with each other for better accommodations. But we need to use our sensation about the truth values. So we need to use it with extensively in our whole life. By which we keep through the God's laws. we, need to use our sense in right way, we do for others to leave happyly, widely, peacely increaditingly. Then we most calculated at end of our life end and found peace at the time of end.
© Chittaranjan Nath