

First love is always special
Hi, my name is simran and I am 15 yrs old...And this is my first experience of writing.... hope u like it

4yrs before, my parents were having some financial problems that's why I have to change my school... I am not at all happy but at last I agreed. I liked my new school on the first day. My parents arranged a school van and I was expected to go from the next day. The next day I entered the van and there were other kids too. I was sitting in a corner and after 10 mins, the van stopped infront of a house and a boy entered. He looked like of my age. He asked me- "hi, I am ankit and I am ur classmate". I replied-"hi, I am simran. I am an ex student of MIS". He smiled and said-"Welcome to our school". This time I smiled. This is our first meeting and I didn't know that time that how much this guy would going to be important for me.

Everyday, we used to chat in the van, we used to play in the van. This was the first time I am enjoying a boy's company. One day my mother cut my hair into a boy's haircut and everyone was laughing on me except him. He came that day before assembly and complimented me and this was the first time I am getting a compliment from a boy.

One day he said about his crush who is also our classmate. Her name is sneha. I realised that he truly loves her. I went to sneha and said it that he used to talk about her and he loves her. she didn't gave much attention and laughed.

After some days, I realised that I have certain feelings for him. when u are in school u didn't call it crush, u call it love. He was my first love. I was deeply in love with him. But I know that he loves sneha and he wouldn't accept me because I wasn't beautiful enough, I was fat.

I was afraid of another thing too. I was afraid to lose my friendship bcz I know that he loves sneha and then also I am proposing him. I was confused like hell. I decided to not tell him.

After 10 days, our summer vacation begins of 2 months. And I was missing him badly during the vacation. I was regretting my decision.

One Sunday morning, I went to a market with my elder sister. And luckily I met him. he was also there to buy things for his house. I am very pleased to see him. But he behaved differently he didn't talked. I came home and said my friends.

After vacation, I came to know that he left the school and moved to another city. I was shattered and belived that destiny didn't want us to be together 🙂❤️.