

Mystic Creatures: Human Genocide
"Burn them all!" Yelled a deep voice, "light a fire and burn them all!"

All around the Demon Kingdom, the new Demon King sent soldiers out to collect humans. He wasn't fawn of the human race. He sent soldiers to every city to rid them of humans. Burn them. Hang. Shoot them at point blank range. Many humans fought against them, to save them and others. The ones who could afford to leave the Demon Kingdom left, leaving the one's who couldn't behind to be killed. Some killed themselves before the soldier got to them so they wouldn't give the king satisfaction.

"This is stupid!" Yelled a boys voice looking out the window.
"Shush boy!" The boys mom pulled him from the window.
"It is though, humans are being killed!" Paused the boy, "for no reason!"
"I know son, but we can't do anything about it," said the mom fixing the boys pants.
"One can," commented the boy looking at his mom.
"We'll, he's not here, so no, he can't help." She said angrily looking down still. The boy got stormed off, upset.

Later that night, a bang on the door woke the mom up. She went to open it, when she did soldiers flooded the house. Screaming and glass breaking woke the boy up. He rushed into their living room to see his mom being taken by the soldiers.

"Let her go!" He yelled pulling on the arm of the captain.
"Get off me kid!" Yelled the captain. The boy wouldn't give it up. "Take her!"
"Ouch!" Cried the mom in pain.
"Let her go!" Yelled the boy hurting the captain. The demon soldiers pointed their weapons towards the boy, ready to kill him.

"Leave him alone, lets get out of here," the captain order leaving the house.

"Baby, don't worry, I'll be fine. I know you'll come and get me and save the others." The mom reassured the boy before being taken away. The boy rushed to her and pulled on her arm.
"Back off boy!" Yelled one of the soldiers knocking the boy to the ground.

As they rode off, the boy stood in the rain and cried. His mom looked back, her heart in pain. He kept crying until he passed out.

As the sun began to rise, the boy woke up. He began walking down the road that lead out of the city. He began his search for his father.

The boy put his hand on his chest, "I love you mom," he said to himself out loud as he started crying.

© YoungAuthor