

The Kingston magical school part 3
Chapter 3. " the new entrance "
As I am beginning to fell asleep I am awaken by a annoying ass voice telling me to get up
"Could u please let me sleep? "
"Aww I wish I could but we're here so I might have to u wake up"
"I hate u"
"I love me too"
As soon as she says that, I glare at her
" Could u please stop being annoying for a few seconds "
"Yeah yeah as if"
" Girls, get down from the car we're here"
"Alright mom"
When we climb down from the car, both me and my sister are astonished to how the school building is so large and so beautiful
"Woah, no body told me the school would be so perfect! "
"me neither "
"mom, can I also do a scholarship at this school? "
"Oh I wish that u could honey but the last seat is taken my ur sister "
"oh how much I hate u"She says glaring at me, arms flooded
"Well too bad I am clearly the best"
"U what huh? "
"U bitch, u will regret it"
"As if"
"Okay, enough both of u, before ur guidance come"
"Ha, I wonder where my guidance is, to tell me what I need to know and to also show someone how ungrateful she is"
As she turns away from me, I start grinning knowing that I had won the argument
"U must be Misses Laprovski "Says a woman from out of the corner of my eyes, I turn to take a look at her, she has a brunette long hair tied in a neat clean bun and was wearing a Victorian gown, I suppose and I think she was 30ish?
"Yes indeed" my mother replies
"may I know who these lovely people are? "
"Oh yes! This are my daughters, this is Natalie Laprovski, the eldest daughter, Cheryel Laprovski, the second eldest, Millie Laprovski, the youngest daughter and the only son in the family, Josh Laprovski "
"Nice, now may I know the name of the mom and dad? "
"Oh I almost forgot, I am Volkia Laprovski and this is my husband, Shy Laprovski "
"Well, nice to meet u, Laprovski family, now I supposed that it is the time for Miss Laprovski to move in the dorm, Are we ready to move? "
"Oh yes, madam, I am "
"Well then Let's go, hope that u will enjoy the stay here and safe journey to Laprovski family "
"Thank u ma'am, we will now return "
"Safe journey going back"
And when my family leaves, Me and the unknown madam start to move towards the my dorm

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