

The Paradise Island (Part -2)
A story collaboration of young writers.

For Part1-
visit - @vaish2620 (Summary)
@wafzz (Part-1 )
It's a little lengthy hope you enjoy 😅


No wonder such a mysterious island will preserve strange creatures. Hearing the Monsterious sound we grouped closer to shield ourselves from what ever beast we would encounter.
I regretted coming here and I am responsible for inviting them. I have ruined their holiday.
"What was I thinking then" I hist to myself as I held Amanda closer and thought of my regrets..
"Will be fine" Amanda said as she held my hand tightly. But I could feel her tense and scared, sweats were dripping down her forehead. Who won't be scared when we are all teenagers lost in an isolated island not sure of survival. With such sound survival is not an option.
It's already getting dark and it will be night soon, though we could still hear the hideous sound no monster or beast appeared.
"I guess it won't be coming soon" Bill said still holding the stick just in case it appears. Hearing him Amanda and me we brokeup and seat down on a stone to ease ourselfs.
The boys went around our hiding spot to make sure that there's no threats.
Picking up the fruits that Bill and Jack collected I tossed some at Amanda saying her thanks I nod and we ate hungrily it was fresh and juicy never had such taste before.
"mmmmh... it taste so good " Amanda said her hand all coverup by the fruits water. I couldn't help but giggle at her childish view.
"I am satisfied"she said looking at me shepishly.
As the boys return they started clearing for the night. Seeing that their is not much firewoods to burn for the night John and Jack decided to go collect some more woods.
"Be careful" I said and handed them the fire torch that Bill had made.
"We will" John said smiling trying to ease us . "And bill guard the area, we will be back soon" directing that towards Bill the two figure disappeared into the dark.
"Hope they will be safe" Amanda said still looking at the direction they went.
After they left we started making the fire and worked on roasting the fish that the boys bought before.
Not long a loud scream followed by a thug was heard which shock us motionless. ' John, Jack ' was all I could think.
Looking up we all looked towards the direction the sound came. We ran a little towards it scared to attract any wild creatures.A little further away a figure appeared in the bushes.
"Jack..!! " Amanda said shock.He ran closer and was breathing heavily.
"John..!,john...,John...,!" He was murmuring worriedly.
" Jack... it's all right slowly breath in and out...ok?" I said patting his back lightly. Taking my advise he sat down to calm himself.
" I lost John!!... We were collecting woods and I don't know what it was but a figure like smoke appeared and vanish with John the only thing I heard was his scream I didn't know what to do so I run back to inform". He said sweating and breathing heavily. Tears were rolling down his face. Seeing how scared he looks I hug him and comforted him.
"We will find him" Bill said rubbing Jack's back to sooth him.
As he got better we walked into the dark hoping to find John sooner. We walked to the place where John was taken.
"Jack.....that figure!? In which direction it disappeared!?" Bill asked.
Jack looking up shakinly he pointed towards the direction John disappeared.
Nodding Bill leaded the way and we followed. We kept walking for hours but found nothing strange. Sighing we all sat down to rest as we sat tiredly a strange sound appeared near by.
Hearing the sound we all stood up alarmingly.
"What was that ..!?" Amanda said quavering.
" Let's go find out, We may find John!" Bill said and started walking towards the sound. Looking at each other and having no other option we followed him.
As we walked a little further, we came to a surrounding and we could not believe what we saw.
"Whoo.... it's huge and old. Who will build such a thing in this isolated land"Amanda said amazed.
Looking at the building I can't believe what I am seeing it was a really old building and lots of different plants have taken roots.
" Hope we fine John her. Hope he is fine " I thought to myself as we walked towards the old building.

What will they find !?
John or Monster!?

To be continued by. . @sssamia999
on Aug 5 or before...

The Writers are. @vaish2620 @wafzz @sssamia999. @Bts_Anju @Nancy20

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