

I blame you hollywood for showing me things you shouldn't have. You made me believe that everyone gets a happy ending and no one should give up on love. But that just isn't true. Not all love is eternal, in fact most aren't. Millions of love stories end in heartbreak and tears. But you don't tell us these stories, you only tell us the fairytales. You make us believe that they are real, like mermaids marrying men and dogs falling in love. Because of your lies I held on to hope for so long that it destroyed me. I kept waiting for my marshal and Lilly, Donna and Eric, love always comes back moment. I wish I had never believed your lies. I wished I had let go of him the moment he told me "I don't want you." I should have walked away, I should have moved on. I tried, really I did but I had never been cast aside like that. And you, hollywood, you lied to me. You told me that everything would be perfect, that he would come back and sweep me off my feet, that my story would come full circle. But he didn't. And so finally, after months of tears and darkness, I let go of the lies, the hope that I would get my happily ever after. Letting go was hard, I won't pretend it wasn't but now, I found happiness because I don't hope in a lie. My joy comes in truth.
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inspired by the lyrics of
"Hollywood" Angus and Julia Stone
A book like this (album) 2007