

When love dies (Chapter 12)
"I told you I didn't love the last time I saw you."
"I know but, I can't get you out of my mind. I need to be with you Thorn."
" Well you can't. You need to leave."
"Fine." He stood back away from me. "I'll be back Thorn and when I do you will be with me." He walks out and slams the door. I let out a big sigh. I never want to see him again. I put on my pajamas and sit on the couch. I got my blanket and popcorn. I was gonna watch my favorite movie. It was a horror movie. Though I've seen it so many times it still gives me the chills. Which I love. And out of all the times I've seen it I've been alone.

After the movie I lay down. In the morning it's raining. I love the rain it makes me feel happy. I sat in my bed and watched the rain. It was beautiful. I got up and walked to the T.v turned it on and then went to the kitchen for breakfast. I make ceral and sat down. "Last night, the body of Benny Fen was found at the Cherry Blossom Bank. " When they showed his face I spit my ceral out. It was the man that had beat me in the basement. I turned the T.v off, It was Titan. Was it Titan? I really hope it wasn't. Did he kill him? A serial killer misses me? I pick up my jacket and sit outside. What was I into. What had I done. Thunder had just went off and I jumped. I ran back inside. I feel something touch my back. I turn around and see a familiar figure. "Titan!"
"Good morning dear." I hug him the tightest I ever have before.
"Did ya miss me."
"Of course I did, you just left. You didn't say anything. I have a question..."
"Yes, dear?"
"Did you kill Benny Fen?"
"I.. I did." I stepped away from him. "Why would you do that!?!"
"I've killed more people than you know, but you didn't care when you hugged me?"
"I didn't know when I hugged you! You have to get out of here."
"Thorn, I killed that guy because he hurt you."
"It doesn't matter to wrongs don't make a right. You can't just kill anyone that hurts me.
"I can, and I will."
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