

No, Your Soul
She sat still, on the dying bench in the park.
It was evening, but the sun hadn't left us yet.
The cool breeze moving peacefully,
looking for a heated body to calm
and the trees whispering loudly,
i could hear them gossip about those around.
I sat down under a tree,
trying to connect to beauty and peace of nature around me and then I saw her,
tears gradually dropping from her eyes.
"Another beastful day for a beautiful being"
I said within myself.
I decided to look away, to ignore her, to mind my business, and concentrate on my course;
but the trees loudly spoke to me,
expressing their heavy disappointment
by dropping several dead leaves on me.
So, I walked up to her,
couldn't say a word
I just stood still like a lost child in a park,
and watched her weep aloud.
I could hear the trees murmuring,
trying to tell to me what to say,
and then she said;
"What are you looking at?
Do you want to break my heart too?"
what a horrible question to ask, I said within
I replied instantly, "No"
and she looked at me, with a smirk
"then what do you want?"
I replied "Your beautiful soul"
her face brightened up, and her tears ceased
"For what" She asked,
"To mix up with my soul" I replied
She smiled a bit "And what then?" asking again
"To create something beautiful,
something unbreakable, something eternal,
even death would struggle
to come inbetween" I said.
she giggled a little,
hiding her big beautiful smile
by looking away, into the dying sunlight.
"What if I give you my soul and this doesn't work out as planned" she said
another horrible question, I thought
"Then I'd keep trying everyday, giving it my absolute best day and night,
just to get it perfectly right" I replied again
The trees cheered loudly, they were so proud of me and she knew it.
"It seems as if the trees loved what you just said" she replied;
exposing her big beautiful smile to the world this time.
we both laughed and everything suddenly became alright
Her pain gradually fading away even till the dark starry night.
© damithemessenger