

No Happy ending
Do you every think in fairy tales stories they ended up in a happy ending but modified due to their standards of Disney.
Let me tell you a story about a women that took drugs and imagined she was in a snow white universe where animals talk to her but in reality she was just insane and talking to disgusting animals no offence to Peta. as she took drugs the more the world colorful and people were snow white draves as she took a drug day by day and the more world Colorful and animals talking to her and birds chirp to her ear in reality the bird didn't chirp in her way but want to take shit on the ear but one day she dressed up as snow white and people that lady imagined we're disgusted, confused, dazed. as the lady walk down the streets animals following her giving food but I'm reality it was shit and dead crows
and I didn't mention it was a dystopia city and you know what is it in dystopia cities police officers and guards when the insane lady saw them in her vision there were old lady villain she said help my prince. she was beaten up and thrown in the prison forever for not dressing up the normal citizen clothes outside as you were expecting no happy endings Datk endings.