

The beginning Ch.1
Vamlen is a country south of France. Vamlen is one of the oldest countries in the world. Vamlen and his neighbor ellven have had an alliance for hundreds of years. The neighbor of ellven is willapplen. Vamlen speaks french, Ellven speaks Portuguese, and Willapplen speaks German. Willapplen believes in war and power, not love.

To the present

Tv: the queen has passed away due to breast cancer at the age of 69. Now people wonder who will rule due to her not being able to have kids. Two Royal families have to be the oldest kids, but the king will decide by 3 pm today.
The tv is still going while Hayden eats his breakfast when Johnathan walks in.
John: eggs and bacon. Yummy. Where mine
Jay: missing
Holly runs in
Holly: guys, a commander is here from the kingdom.
John and jay runs outside
Commander: are you Lord Johnatten Michael Brightland
John: depends
Commander: I have been sent from you brother King Richard, sir. And...
John intercepts
John: I will not!
Commander: my apologies, not you but your son Jayden Lynn Brightland
Jay's eyes widen
Jay: oh shit1
Holly: over my dead body!
Jay: I need to think it over
Holly and John to look at him O.O
The commander leaves.
Holly: Family meeting!!!!!


H: Kai, Jules, and jay, your dad's brother, is the king when mean you are a prince, duke, and a lady.
Jay: but if the king asks for me only do I have a choice
John: yes! You always have a choice; all you do.
Jay: What happens if I choose yes?
John: You will move until the kingdom become prince of ellven and soon king of ellven
Jay: and my siblings?
John: the same thing
Jules: jay, don't worry about us, think of your country
Kai: shit, I am fine, of whichever, as long as I have a roof over my head.
Jay: I will have to think about it.

Later that day
Jays sit in his room as time ticks away to think about the rules he will probably break in the future and how he has to make rules to make him comfortable in the kingdom. Then realizes that the last gay king was killed mysteriously.
Shut Hayden whispers in his cold room. Jules comes in with a plate.
Jules: soo how it is going.
Jay: Terribly
Jules laughs and hands him a sandwich
Jay: what will you do if I go and you stay
Jay laughs. And gets up to tell dad.
Jay: dad? Mom?
John: yes?
Jay: call the king 👑
© Jordan