

The Dark Descent: Vampires vs Zombies (Part 8)
As Ryder began to pull the trigger I didn’t know what to say to him. So I asked about him being a zombie and he told me he wasn’t just turned into a zombie today. He said he was always a zombie along with his brother and then he had to turn into a vampire by Leo for the plan. He told me that ever since day one it was all a lie and about how he was confused about how he felt about me until I disappeared out of nowhere and almost died.

He also explained that he knew where me and Leo were because the plan was to bring us both there and “kill” Leo but Ryder wasn’t supposed to see as I almost got killed by his own brother. He said he wasn’t invited because his brother thought he loved me and it would only make him want to betray them.

He then explained that he was a zombie and that seeing me getting killled by him made him snap out of the plan but not enough to turn him back. He mentioned that although he couldn’t kill me he still had to turn my brain to mush. I asked about the blood shooting from his neck earlier but he said that it was meant to kill me but he made sure it killed him instead. He then collapsed to the floor once again before saying I love you and not responding to what I say anymore as his heart began to slow.
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