

Tainted (a Fanfiction Story based on Game of Thrones series) 14
Chapter 14: The Revelation

As Maggy had led her into the deep woods, Racy's heart beats wildly for she had totally disregarded the outcome of her disobedience, and was bemused of Maggy's words about her mother. The old lady talked of unfathomable words she could barely understand. It was a mystery for her, since her mother had never spoke about Maggy  before. Also, it was her first time to see her. She thought, perhaps, the old lady would clear her puzzled mind now that she followed her through the deep woods. She wanted to know the truth of Maggy's words. If she lied, she could instantly feel it.
"Come in, child."
The old lady said as they have arrived at a solitary wooden cottage stood between the shadows of the gigantic trees. Doubt and fear crept in Racy's mind. But she had gone this far with the old lady, and she really wanted to know the truth of her words.

Maggy motioned her to go inside. The tiny space look shabby and already old.

"This is where I live. Don't be shy. Come, here is a seat for you."

She gave her a small piece of untidy chair, just enough to fit her bottom.

"How did you knew my mother?"

She asked in a total curiousity as she had finally settled herself.

A smile was drawn on Maggy's face as she had recalled the past.

"Lorea...Lorea Sand. I knew her very well. I was one of her attending servant when she was forced to come here." As she spoke those last words, there was a glint of bitterness and sadness in her eyes.

Maggy glanced at the bewildered delicate beauty, petite figure in front of her.

Truly, this girl was a replica of her mother. A young version of her. And pity were all she felt for this young girl, for she had seen in her vision, Lorea's child would suffer such a painful fate.

As Racy heard of Maggy's last words, she suddenly went stirred and deeply puzzled.

"W-what do you mean by she was forced to come here? My mother lives in North and not of Westerland..she was born at the North, Maggy." her voice trembled.

"You were told of false words, child. Your mother lives neither of North and Westerland. Perhaps, you heard of a place called,Dorne. It's where your mother came from. So was I and...you." Maggy pointed at her.
Racy stared at the old lady feeling completely puzzled.

"But my father..he was from North. So that made me and mother belonged to North, too." Racy exclaimed.

"You are not a part of North, dear child. Your true bloodline was of Dorne. Once, Lorea was forcibly brought here, she's already with child.."

Shocked and disbelief was all she felt.
"No.. No." her mind screamed in disbelief.

There were so many questions she wanted to ask her, but since she couldn't take all of Maggy's revelation, she went silent for a moment.

"Y-you mean.. I was not Ross Bolton's daughter? Instead, I was a bastard from Dorne?"
Just when the realization had finally sink in, her face went pale.

No, it can't be!!! Maggy must have lied to me! Of course she could! I was a foolish daughter of a traitor and possibly everyone of the seven kingdoms would make fun of me..
Her thoughts cried for it.

"Take your time, dear child. I know you would not believe those words I revealed to you. But, I was not lying of your true birth. I have proof if you had doubts.." Maggy stood and went on the darker side of her cottage.

Racy's eyes followed her every movement. The old lady was getting something out from a small wooden chest.

It was an old portrait..of her mother!

An extremely fascinating portrait of a delicate beauty that she, too, possessed.
She had inherited her mother's vibrant and delicate beauty. Her father told her so, and everyone in House Bolton.

"W-where did you get that? You had one of my mother's portrait!" she gasped.
She was overwhelmed with disbelief. She could not describe the maelstrom of emotions she had felt at this moment.

The revelation, it was tremendous to take it all by herself..

"I secretly took it from the King of Dorne's possession. It was the only proof that I was with Lady Lorea Sand, before he casted her out of the Water Gardens and his men forcibly brought us here." there was a glimpse of pain in Maggy's eyes.

"Lorea was the most kind highborn I had ever served. She never treated me as one of her servant but as a true friend. Even the fates had conspired against her, I stood by her side. I knew everything that happened to your mother. From the happiest to the most tragic part of her life.." she continued. A single tear had scaped from the old lady's eyes after she said those words to the young girl.

Racy was silent. She could feel the pain of Maggy's words.

There she knew, Maggy was not lying to her. All of it were true.

She was Lorea Sand's true friend.

A bit of her was glad now that she had found someone attached to her mother in the past.
Finally, she was not alone. Maggy was here all the time, waiting for her.

"You heard of what happened to the House Bolton, were you afraid I died with my father? That I died unaware of my true birth?"

"Not at all, child. I saw you in my visions, you were to claim your birth-right." Maggy's voice was firm. It seemed she was certain of her words.

"The  Dorne's king.. why did he casted her out of the castle?" the thought of it had terribly troubled her.

"Because of you."

Of what she had heard, she felt a shiver creeping up her nape.

"B-because of me? Why?" she supressed a sob, a sharp pain had struck her heart.

Mother was casted out from her true family because of me!
Her thoughts cried in pain.

"Is my father the King of Dorne?" she wanted to know the whole truth. Finally, she was very close to the whole truth. And Maggy was the only one who could reveal the truth about her.

But they went startled when they heard of a rushed knock outside the door.
Fear overtook them both as Maggy tiptoed towards the door to prevent the intruders  noticed of their presence inside the cottage. From the tiny hole of the door, Maggy saw five tall and robust men outside the cottage.

Must be the savage raiders!
She frightenedly muttered to herself, as she could only see the vague figures of men since it was already dark.

She looked at the frightened girl and silently warned her to keep silent and be still.

Racy sensed the incoming danger so she sat still, tightly gripped the nape of her cloak and became wary of the danger that awaits them. She had suddenly thought of the urged to run back towards Casterly Rock, to Jon.

"Girl, come with me in haste!" she whispered to me.

Maggy in her heedful steps had silently guided Racy through the darkest corner of her cottage, where the small wooden chest laid. She let go of the girl's hand and pushed the chest out of its current place.
To Racy's surprise, it was a secret tiny door flushed on the surface of the floor. Nobody would really noticed of it instantly since it looked like a part of the solid wooden floor itself. It was obviously  intended for a swift escape from any intruders.

"Where would this path lead us, Maggy?"
She suddenly asked her as they crawled the darkest part of the muddy hole. The secret passage was well-digged, enough to fit the size of a human. Perhaps, Maggy did it to protect herself.

"This would take us to the mouth of the deep woods." Maggy answered.

Hope had arise in her heart when she heard it, in haste she crawled towards the edge.
Their light steps turned into a dart pace as they have reached the deep woods' mouth. They heard voices of men,they were chasing them.

"Run, Girl!"
Maggy screamed. She had fallen behind her when an arrow had struck her back.

"Maggy! No!" Panic and horror were written on Racy's face. She hastily went back to help the old lady.

"Ruuunnn! Don't you dare help me! Don't go back! They'll kill both of us! You must run now, girl!" she shouted to her. Maggy was struggling in pain but her eyes were full of terror as she looked at the girl running towards her. The savages were very close towards in their direction.

" Maggy...you must come with me! They'll hurt you if I would leave you here. "
The girl cried in terror, held Maggy's arms and struggled to lift her up.

But Maggy pushed the young lady.

"No. You must go now, child. Leave me here. I would just slow you down. Those men who were chasing us were the savages and raiders. They would never grant mercy if they caught us both." she cried painfully.

"H-Here.. Put this in my heart so I would be at peace, child. " she gave Racy the dagger.

"N-no. Please, no." Bitter tears had scaped from Racy's eyes. "I can't do it. Please Maggy, come with me. You must live. You still have to bring me to Dorne. " she cried , tried to encouraged Maggy to gain more strength to stay alive.

"They're here. You must hurry now." Maggy had pulled Racy's hand with a dagger and pushed it in her heart.

Racy's eyes widened,overtaken by disbelief, shock and fear. Her misty eyes landed on Maggy's bloodied chest. The red thick liquid were spurting heavily from the deep cut. Maggy never moved nor made a sound. Then the dread realization rushed through her, the old lady was dead.
She cried in so much pain,horror,pity and grief for Maggy.
She was alone again.

"Look what we have here, Olsen! A dead old rat and a scared cat." a rough voice in a strong cracky accent had startled her.
Racy jolted and choked as she saw a tall man standing few feet away from her.

Tremor ran through her when she saw his ugly scarred face. She knew he was one of those men who harshly through an arrow at Maggy and were outside the cottage.

But what made him more terrifying were the malice in his eyes. A wicked smile was formed on his lips. It never crossed in her mind that such a misfortune would befall upon her, this moment would be the death of her.

Racy moved back and ran as fast as she could, knowing her life was in grave danger,leaving Maggy's lifeless body.

Guilt and pity overwhelmed her heart but she must not waste the old lady's sacrifice and she should never let those savages caught her.. alive.

From her direction, she had finally saw the Casterly Rock. She knew she was close at the Castle's gates.
Hope had arise within her,she was finally close to safety.
Then she remembered Jon, what would he do to her if he would finally noticed she was gone?

Finally, I see the gates!
Her felt relieved and secured.

But she screamed when a pair of strong arms had pulled her, dodged to a solid body behind her. She struggled to free herself from the captor's clutch, moved frantically against him in a futile effort.

"Stop moving, you wench." said the very familiar voice. The coolness of it with a bit of irratition was strangely chilling.

She paused and turned.

In a midst of the dark with moonlight illuminated his prominent handsome face, her heart skipped at the sight of him.
She knew she was safe... from the savages but not of his wrath.

But from great exhaustion and fear that she felt, she passed out in his arms..

© melai2020
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