

Welcome to high school
Chapter 6- Let's start the party

Walking down the street I met someone who actually made my day! It was already Friday and I didn't have a plan yet. June told me to sneak out but my mom would kill me. I really wanted to go to that party.

“Harley! What's wrong?” Junior said in between panting and breathing heavily. His British accent never failed to impress me every single time. Was he really running just to see me. He's too kind.

“Nothing please just leave me alone.” I tried to walk away but he gripped my hand.” Harley that's what you have been saying since Tuesday. There is definitely something going wrong.” He was right, and I had to tell him, maybe he could help me.

“The freshers party today?” I looked as worried as ever.



“Harley don't beat around the bush.” I was hesitant to tell him.

“The party. My mom didn't permit me to go. Making that statement made me remember my mom, wicked mom.

“Harley let me try to talk to her maybe she would listen to me.” My mom wouldn't blindly listen to another person especially if it was a boy!

“Junior please just leave me it's my bitter pill to take!” I walked out on him. I felt bad for shouting at him like that, he was just trying to help.

Well school was quite fast. Everytime the bells rung, I am reminded of the fucking party. And I would cring everytime too. I didn't even eat anything at lunch. My mom parked in front of the school waving and signaling me to come into the car. Shit.

I got home quite late. Want to guess? I don't know how I got into the conversation in the first place. When I started, I couldn't stop and I lost track of time.

What welcomed me at my house made me dazed. Shit. I caressed my face with my palm in disappointment. Harley when did you start all this Shit. O my gosh I said it again.

“Junior what are you doing here?” He didn't answer me. He just gave me an assuring smile which made me even more curious.

“So you even know him.” My mom said after seconds. Those seconds were like forever to me.

“Yeah he is my friend.” I replied giving her a death stare.

She didn't say anything, she just hugged me. Oh God why do I feel guilty right now. “Sweetie are you still angry at me. My baby. You are free to go.” I was so exited, I did not know when I hugged my mom and Junior. “I told you I would help you babygirl.” He patted my back affectionately. Now this is when guilt rushes in.

“ Mom I am sorry. Junior sorry.” I was very happy. Both of them actually deserved an apology. “It's okay. I'm sorry for hitting you.” Junior just stood aimlessly. “Anything for you Harls.” I gave him a tight hug.

Vivian’s point of view

The moment I saw him, his adorable face made memories of Ricky flush into my head. His face rung a bell. I don't even know why I trust him to take care of Harley during the party. Someone I didn't know from anywhere. No, it wasn't his words or innocent familiar face it was just me. I felt like he could take care of my Harley.

I just wanted the best for my daughter.

Harley’s point of view

“Party time!” June screamed in excitement. I didn't know what happened but I also got infected with the excitement. I was very happy especially when my mom even permitted me to wera makeup. June's house was huge! I felt a little suffocated because if she sees my house it would be the end for me. I don't really wear makeup except the times I wore lip gloss during my grandma's burial. During my father's funeral, I didn't even have time to make my face not show that I've been crying. He was supposed to see me through high school and he just left a few months before. Sometimes I wish I can call him back and spend a whole day with him.

“Harley this would be the best dress for you. Don't you think.” She said holding a dress which I know I would never be able to afford in my lifetime. “June? There is no need for this designer dress, I will wear my own dress.” I brought out my dress from my bag. “Fine.” She raised her hands in surrender.

“Now let's do ya makeup.” For some reason, she was so exited like it would benefit her. Now that's a friend.

Five minutes later, the magic that this girl called June did on me was like no other. I couldn't believe it. My mom used to tell me that teen girls look ugly without makeup. And I now found out she only said that so that I won't heartbroken when I ask her if I should start wearing makeup. My mom, well I can't stay angry at her, she allowed tlme to go to this amazing party. And when Henry sees me, he wouldn't take his eyes off me.

“Okay gal let's go. My car is outside.” She grabbed the car keys from a couch in her room and went out.” She has a car?

“Close your mouth, don't let flies enter.” Henry said as he chuckled. The place was just too awesome! The room alone was just too elegant. “Oh am sorry.”

“No never mind.” He replied with a grin on his face. I looked at cute Henry and bam I see a rat. No not that kind of a rat, but the rat in form of an human. The rat that destroys all your plans and spoils everything. Why is she so close to him?

“Hey Harley.” How does she know my name? “Hi?” I said requesting for her name.


“Oh so what are you doing here.” I indirectly told her to leave Henry alone. “Sorry it's my fault it is this awkward. Harley this is my best best best friend Liv.” I didn't move even though I was angry. He has a best friend? Anyone who sees them would think that they are a couple.

“Harley you look great.” Henry said.


“It doesn't look too expensive and great as mine.” She looked at me as if there was something on my dress. Henry and I just stared at her.

“Just kidding!” I just rolled my eyes because I know that she definitely wasn't kidding. I may not wear the most expensive dresses or use iPhone 11 pro but I know for sure that I am way better than her.

Junior pov

I couldn't find her anywhere and she is supposed to be my responsibility. I am so dumb. Nothing must happen to Harley. I called her but she did not pick her calls. I just looked like an idiot when she didn't pick. Maybe she is caught up somewhere.

I stop looking for her but I saw someone who stole my heart. “You look breathtaking.” I look at her from head to toe. I loved her because she was kind, simple and loving. She is a unique girl. I liked it when she is shy too. Or when she blushes.

“Thanks.” She turned red on her pale skin. I know she felt the same but that Regina is standing in the way. “Would she like to dance.” I asked looking deeply into those brown eyes of hers. “Of course, why not.” She replied me. I was so happy I could hug her. But I had to control my self so that she wouldn't think that I am crazy.

As I placed my arm on her waist, my heart raced a million miles. Our eyes were locked into each others eyes. Even Harley was dancing with Henry and I was very relieved she was safe. “Just focus on the music not me.” Lizzy said and she blushed a little. I leaned forward for a kiss and she closed her eyes patiently waiting.

One! Two! Three!

Have you ever rocked ya life out!

Have you ever rocked ya life out!

Lizzy and I split up immediately we heard the love music change to rock music. She saw the frustration in my eyes and she giggled a little. Seriously this girl is just special.

Suddenly Regina pulled me out of the crowd and slapped me. If she wasn't a girl I would have slapped her back because I didn't do anything to her. “What the hell are you doing with this motherfucker.” She cried out.

“Don't you dare call her that. You are the motherfucker. Infact you are getting out of my nerves already we are over. Tell them the lies, because I know that that I was not too drunk that day to rape you.” I let it all out. All eyes were on me. She just stormed out of the party and I looked back at my Lizzy. “So where were we?” I said with a wide grin on my face.

“I don't know I think we're done here.” She blushed a little and made an attempt to move away but I held her hand. “Lizzy you are the love of my life. You are shy, beautiful and passionate about drawing which I love too. Now that that Regina is out of the way, will you be my girlfriend?” She didn't answer, instead she just answered with a kiss. I just closed my eyes to enjoy the moment.” So that means that I have a boyfriend now.” She said and ran away.

I followed her inside and saw Harley. What? Harley! Harley!
© Dairo