

This post is for all those who somehow manage to be an angry bird at some point of time in their lives!!

Humans being the most intelligent species on Earth have the experience of living a huge spectrum of emotions. This gamut is so wide and complex that sometimes we do have the best intellect, the most vivid interpretation of the dictionary yet end up being an alexithymic.

Each one of us are willing to be connected to things of positivity and there is absolutely no justification to not to be linked so. We all want to be associated to hashtags of ecstacy, gratification, pleasure,achievement and feel relegated to be mapped to fear, anxiety, anger , hatred.

Ever wondered that the most commonly experienced sentiment and well absolutely the most harmful one at the same time is 'ANGER'. It is like a caged demon inside you capable of dominating your rational self. It is a sentiment with lose lose on both the sides of the coin.

The very novice feeling of being miffed pumps up our heart faster thereby increasing our blood pressure. There is a gush of adrenaline in our veins preparing the body for the Fight or Flight mechanism. But, ever wondered is really this the only way of handling situations that are unfavourable to us.

Anger not only jeopardize our biolgical being but also detrimentally affects other circles of our lives as well. In this state we say things that we dont mean but at the same time, things that feels like lethal venom for the person on the recipent end. It basically blocks our brain restraining it from being a listener to anything other than this monster itself. We behave in a manner we dont intend to and sometimes even cross levels of sensitivity with people we really really love. This is definitely a transient state and people get to be back to their self after some timeframe but seldom it does end up in creation of few tangled knots that never find its way back. We get so carried away by this dark energy that we do not realize that this is exactly the same we are giving to the universe and land up in making incorrect choices, performing regretful actions, taking wrong decisions. It benefits none neither us nor the people around us.

What if we all enter a state where we are not just good speakers but are also patient listeners. A stage where we do not impose our opinions on anyone rather welcome criticism as a part of elevating our own personalities. A stage where empathy takes over sympathy. A part wherein each one of us accepts the fact that there is still a lot that I dont know and hence I am all ears. An acknowledgment of the truth that anyone irrespective of age , religion, caste, race has the ability to contribute to our own growth if we are open to it. A realization that learning in true sense is a never ending process.

We really need to understand that utopia might be a myth but if we all collaborate keeping in track of our individual efforts we can still give rise to a world close to it. The changes and modifications have to happen at personal level and the change in society will follow on its own. Eliminating this specific feeling alone from our lives has a power enormous enough to obliterate most of the bad emotions that one can think of. Anger is a process that triggers one to be at the wrong side and to see things in a faulty manner. Basically, it shoves us into the world of negativity where if we thrive for long we turn into individuals we dont relate to. We become a participant to this insidious process, the end result of which ends one disliking his own self!!