

4,4,4. The decoding hay already done. Mister Virus chapter 31.
Mister Virus, do you like number 4 now? Do you like 40 too because it has 4? You like 44, and also 444? Mister Virus like all narcissistic perverts has a well coded language, only that they live with them can understand them. They use that message to annoy and manipulate.

Mister Virus hacked my phone and penetrated it like a virus. He knows everything about me. My messages written in WhatsApp reach both me and him.

I remembered I wrote to the man I love to tell him that we are going to see on Monday, January 4th, Mister Virus knew and he did everything to make that meeting not possible. At the end I couldn't go see him. Everything was blocked, I had to change the date. But I managed to see it. And it was an unforgettable encounter.

Mister Virus sees that through my stories, I am putting him naked now He tries to get the likes under my story to number 4 and block the visibility so I can stop writing about Him and write better about the love of my life.

Mister Virus tried to make me remember something with the number 4 and I understand you.

Mister Virus, that man is my future husband, I would have enough time to write about him. I'm more interested in telling everything you did, You can't stop me. You've already crossed the red light. I understand why you want to put false likes under my post and make it reach number 4. I understand. but I will continue writing about you.

4,4,4, the decoding has already been done. I well understood the message written inside.
© RebChrist888