

The Beautiful People💚
The last thing I put into the van was the mirror. Remembered my grandmother saying :
"Broken mirror iscseven years of bad luck."
I closed the dor in the back, and told my dog to sit at the floor by the seat next to me. There was a box with some kitchen stuff on the seat...
"Time to come away darling pretty" Mark Knofler was singing from the cd player.
I broke a large mirror last time I moved, so the seven years were served now.

"Turn left into the forest" said the GBS.
I drove. Put the song on repeat. Drove and drove.
"Shit" I had no idea where the fuel thing was. The one telling how much is left.

I drove further into the forest. GPS was silent.
Should I turn around or hope for a few minuttes more.
"Turn right 500 meters from here."

I stopped the car a lamp was red now. Could it be the fuel thing?
I looked at the dog:
"Let us take a walk."
The tail was wagging. There was a lake in front of us. A boat was left in the grass. "What fuel does a boat use?" I asked my dog? We must steal or borrow"

We went around the lake over a bridge and back...

The car was dead. refused to start. I took a blanket from the back and laid down to think.
Dog laid down too.

Should I try to start the boat?

Sail under the bridge and see, what was on the other side?

To be continued...😱

© Lucia