

A Farmer Son becomes An engineer
One of the person venkaya is a farmer in ramulapalem village and his son name is shiva and his wife is Lakshmi venkaya has two acres of land for farming he will farm that 2acres of land by that way he will earn the money with that money only he will lead his life happily with their family venkaya and lakshmi even though they are married a boy was born after 8years to them. His name was shiva. Because of late Born their parents will give more care and love and effection unlimited and that boy was raised without knowing the difficulty.

He completed his study still tenth class on their village. After completing 10th class he will decide to study with his friends in city
And he will says his opinion to his dad. Even though Shiva's dad dosent have money. He will borrow money from the money lender.with that money he joined his son in college of city with his friends. And his dad has been paying off his debt to moneylender from months onwards. But he never told the matter to his son. Like that two years have passed.and his son shiva completed inter. And Shiva come near his dad and he will told his dad that he want to study engineering in the city again he borrowed money from the money lender and his joined in the engineering college and his dad was hard working for farming two acres of land to earn money and should pay to the money lender. One day thufan was came and crop was so damaged venkaya did not get the result of hardworking instead of result he got loss in farming. Venkaya has no money to pay interest to the money lender. And the money lender keshavrao shouted on venkaiah(clashed) to pay him interest. Vilolently moneylender seized venkhaia's farm documents. Moneylender threatened (burning) Benjamin if you pay original money and interest then only I will give the farm papers and venkaiah did not know what to do. Shiva mom says to shiva that
In these times of days for food also it is so difficult and your dad was becoming old. And the whole day your dad was spending in farming two acres of land even though we didn't get profit we got loss. For your study your dad borrowed the money from money lender. And he is not able to pay money to the money lender because of loss in farming. Because of not paying money your dad gave farm papers to the money lender.

Finally shiva mom says that stop your study and be helpful to your dad in farming. But Shiva's dad venkaiah will not agree with his wife words and he says that for our son study only I am farming and hardworking so much. If he study only I will be happy. Even though the money lender didn't give farm papers also no problem Shiva should study Shiva's father says like these. And Shiva continuing his studies. And the money lender came back again to ask money. And the money lender says that I will give one year time if u pay all interest then only I will give your farm documents otherwise I will occupy the farm land. Shiva agreed to the money lender.

Shiva will study seriously and will do more hardwork to get back farm documents and to see smile in their family. Shiva will study day and night. At the final he got job as mechanical engineer and he paid money to the money lender and he took back the farm documents. At final shiva and his family all are happy and shiva became an engineer.

In this story we can learn that anyone can do anything so be positive and keep smiling 😄😄.

-written by
priya priya