

Mr. Colorbow's Funhouse
(Will they be able to escape the funhouse in time? Or be stuck there...FOREVER!?)

I wake up in a white room, I don’t remember how I got here. I get up and saw a white door, I was wearing a white shirt with some white pants to match, there was… red specks splattered on my clothes. Why? It couldn't be blood, could it? I touched it. The red specks didn't seem like blood. I was relieved to find that it was just paint. I walk up to the door and peep through the window to see little children running around. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I heard a gravelly voice.

“Having fun being my Halloween decoration?" I perk my head up and look around. I look back through the window and see a rainbow hallway. I smile at the sight of the colors.
“I know. Pretty right?” the guy said
“Wait, what am I doing here? And what'd you say about Halloween decorations?” I asked. The guy laughed. I tilt my head, I'm confused. I didn’t understand what this guy thought was so funny.
“If you do not escape from this place by sunrise, you’ll be stuck here forever! But if you do escape then you’re free to live your life.”

I stutter “B-but I have no memory of my past life, so-”
“Ahh don’t worry! You’ll remember who you are and all that happened by sunrise, if you escape, in the meantime…have some fun for all I care. Oh, and those children, they're not real. They’re actually clowns.”

The white door unlocked, I peek my head out and look down both hallways. They all were rainbow. I see the children, or clowns, pushing their way through the hallway. I step out the door. I walked down the rainbow hallway with the clowns, funny how I was the only tall one there.

I walked further down the hallway and made it to a room filled with clowns eating candy. I knelt down to a clown dressed up as a baby, I snatched its sucker away from it. The clown started to wine like a baby. All the clowns stare at me. They looked furious, angry. A clown jumped on my back while another one pulled my arm. They all piled on me. The next thing I knew was that I was in another room. I saw more clowns bobbing for apples. All the apples were different colors, one apple was blue- the other one was green. Colors of the rainbow. I heard the speaker come on in the room.

“Attention everyone, we’ll be playing a game of bobbing the apples.” I smile. I walk over to a barrel filled with water and different colors of apples. I put my head down in the water, soon my head was pushed down further under the water and I couldn't pull it back up. I scream, fighting to pull my head out of the water. My head raises out of the water, I gasp for air. I look to see a clown laughing at me. I scowl at him and grab an apple and throw it at him in the head. The speaker came on again.

“Na ah, ah, there will be no fighting. Bad people get punished.” Soon both me and the clown fall down a trap door onto a cart. I look and see the rainbow hallway again. The cart suddenly sped down the track. All the colors made me feel woozy. The cart jerked left-then right, then right once more. We soon made it down a dark track, and the cart went slower. It was dark. We heard the sound of a little girl singing. Her singing was sad. I see the girl as we ride past her in our cart. She didn’t seem happy. The cart stopped in front of the little girl. The clown huddled against me in fear. I nudge the clown off me as I get out of the cart walking towards the girl.

“What’s wrong with you?” I ask. The girl looked at me without saying anything, her hair, eyes, and clothes were gray. Her skin looked pale. Maybe she was sick. She looked at my shirt.

“Have you killed someone?” I look down at my shirt with paint all over it.
“Oh, that’s just red paint.” The girl looked down at my shirt. “I think you should check again.” I tilt my head as I feel my shirt. It felt like the world was spinning. It-it was blood! But how? I looked at the girl, I was dumbfounded.

“I-i swear it was just paint. I…I don’t know what happened!”
“Mr. Colorbow said someone murdered my mom. He said there was a murder in this house-wearing a white shirt and white pants!” The girl crossed her arms.
“Everyone knows you’re a murder in this funhouse!

“Huh? A funhouse, is this where I am, and I'm guessing Mr. Colorbow is the one who put me in this mess!” I say.
“Not as messy as that bloody shirt!” The girl said, crossing her arms. I was no murderer, obviously this guy had to be lying.

“Your mother is still alive! And I can prove it to you if you help me escape this place.” I say. The girl shook her head.
“Mr. Colorbow said she’s dead.” I sigh.
“She isn’t dead. Mr. Colorbow is lying. Come on, we have to go now!” I grab her hand and pull her towards the cart. The girl dropped down screaming.
“LET GO OF ME YOU MURDERER!” I drag and put her in the cart.

The clown hops back into the cart. The cart starts going slowly. We hear rumbling on the ground. I look up to see that everything behind me disappeared.

“What’s happening?” I asked the girl, and she did a wicked smile at me.
“You’re going to have to go a lot faster so the monster won't get us.” I grunt out of frustration. I look around to see if there is any way for this cart to go faster. We heard loud screeches coming from behind us, the monster was gaining on us.

As we travel down the track I see a lever. I lean over and reach my hand out to get ready and pull the lever, the clown was squealing in fear. As the monster got closer with each second my hand finally pulled the lever, the cart sped up. The clown nearly flew off but I caught them just in time. The monster was still behind us. I pull the clown back into the cart. I looked in front of us but there were no train tracks left, the cart was going faster and faster. We hit the end of the tracks and flew up in the air. As we fly in the air I look back to see the monster left behind. There was a huge hole in the house. I held on tight to both the girl and the clown. We all shut our eyes tightly screaming!

We crash landed on the ground. I slowly got up off the ground covered in dirt. I took a look around and saw a maze in front of us. And also saw a guy wearing a red suit with a rainbow tie, he was wearing orange pants in front of the maze entrance.

“Aww, you ruined my garden..” Mr. Colorbw said. The girl and the clown got up. Mr. Colorbow looked at the girl. He smiled as he walked closer towards us.
“How about we play one more game? Lets have....” We all stared at him in horror, waiting for what he had to say next.

“A PARTY!” Mr. Colorbow snapped his fingers. We got transported into different parts of the maze. Balloons and confetti were all over the place, and a piece of cake in front of me. We heard the speaker come on.
“Let's play a game of party maze. In this game you’ll have ten minutes to eat thirty pieces of cake. But don’t worry, I did the math- each of you should eat ten pieces of cake.” It doesn’t matter if he did the math or not, my stomach couldn’t take even five pieces of cake.
“One of these cakes has a key, that’ll be the key to getting you out of here, but if any of you throw up, or run out of time, all of you lose. On your mark-get set-GO!”

The ten minute timer started. I ran towards the cake and started eating it. It was a chocolate cake, very thick and chewy. He made them thick and chewy on purpose so we’d go slower. I run around the maze with cake stuffed in my mouth trying to find more pieces of cake. As I turn a corner I see a red velvet cake, I swallow the remaining cake and my mouth and eat the next one. I wonder how many the girl and the clown ate. I already start to feel nauseous. I got up looking for the next cake, I saw it-it was cheese cake. I ran over towards it but had to sit down to eat this one.

I slowly eat the cheese cake. The girl and the clown see me on the floor eating cake.
“What the heck are you doing? Are you enjoying this!?”

“I-I don’t think I can go on any longer, I feel like I’m about to puke.”

“What!? NO! If you do then we’ll be stuck here forever.” We heard the speaker come on.

“Seven minutes remaining.” I look at both of them.

“Hey clown.” I say, the clown looks at me. “How many pieces of cake have you eaten? The clown held four fingers at me.
“And you?” I say shifting my head to the girl.
“Five.” The girl said. So far we only ate nine cakes, this isn’t going to go any faster.
“Look I don’t think I can get up, if I do then I might just go ahead and throw up. So…you bring the cake to me!”

“WHAT!? And how do you think that’s going to go any faster?” Just grab a cake, run past me, drop the cake, and then go on to find the next cake for me or you to eat.”
“Fine!” The girl and the clown went off to look for some cake.

The girl went around the maze and found two pieces of cake. She came back to me.
“Hear eat! We are in a hurry!” She started stuffing the cake in my mouth, not giving me a chance to breathe.

“No-I-I didn’t say you could-”
“Quiet! Don't talk with food in your mouth!” she said stuffing the other cake in my mouth, I wasn’t even done chewing the other one. The clown came back with three pieces of cake.

He ate two pieces and I ate one. So far fourteen pieces of cake. The clown went off to gather more cake. The girl came back saying she ate three pieces of cake. She stuffed two more pieces of cake in my mouth. Nineteen pieces of cake. The clown came back, he ate five pieces of cake. So, twenty four. We heard the speaker once again, “two. Minutes. Remaining!” The girl ran and quickly came back with five pieces of cake, she stuffed them all in my mouth. Twenty nine pieces of cake. As I was chewing I bit something hard. I spit a golden key out.The girl smiled.

“YES! That’s the golden key we need” The clown came back running to us freaking out. He started squealing and whining.
“What’s wrong?” The girl asked.

“Could you not find the other piece of cake?” The clown shook their head. I finally finished the cake.

“IT doesn’t matter, we have the key, so we need to find a way out of here!” We heard the speaker come on.

“Nah ah ah. It does matter. You didn't eat all the pieces of cake! I also see you change the rules for your little friend here not to throw up, pretty clever, but you didn’t exactly play by my rules, plus you didn’t even find the last cake. But for trying your best your friend must survive this bonus round.” Soon a wall came up in front of me, behind and beside me. “All he has to do is to not throw up while looking at these colorful rainbow spirals, oh-and you have to keep your eyes open. It’s only for one minute.” The girl bangs on the wall.

“He’s going to try and make you throw up, please don’t!”
“I-i’ll try!.” The colorful rainbow swirls turn on. Mr. Clorbow laughed.

“Come on! I know you want to throw up now” I move all over the ground trying hard not to throw up. All the different colors were making me feel worse. I sit up and start gagging. “You only have like thirty seconds left.” The girl said I held my stomach feeling more queasy. I lay looking at the spirals. My face started to turn pale. “Alright, times up you win.” Mr. Colorbw. I start throwing up all over the ground. The walls went back into the ground. The girl and the clown looked at me throwing up. The girl had a look of disgust on her face.
“Ew…” I take a deep breath. “Alright come on let's go!” The sun was rising and all three of us ran towards the end of the maze gate. I take out the key and unlock the gate and hop out of the maze. We look at the rising sun!
“YES!” We celebrate. “WE DID IT! We got out alive!” I pick up the clown and throw it up in the air. our memories soon returned to us, I suddenly stopped smiling and dropped the clown. “Ew-” I say, “forgot I hated clowns.” The clown looked down in sadness. I laugh. “Except for this little clown!” I say picking him back up again.
“I’ll take good care of you.” The girl ran off greeting her mother. And me in the clown walked in the morning sun.

“This is only the beginning…”

© loveGod@