

KEVIN- Don't look into his eyes, something is wrong in here.
JOSEPH- Aaaaahaaa......is...is he a re...re...real ghoul!!!????
KEVIN- I don't know, I have never got this sensation before.
JOSEPH- My God Kevin? Are you feeling horny????
KEVIN-Shut your mouth IDIOT!!!!We should not stand here too long. there......it is a tea stall......let's go.
JOSEPH- Okay........


KEVIN- Dear sir.........we have heard that house......yeah that one.....it is haunted or something.........its called skull.....
JOSEPH- Why......?
TEA STALL OWNER- Sir it is haunted by a Ghoul............that creepy old man,he is the ghoul.
KEVIN- Consult with the church.
OWNER- Sir the ghoul is like any other regular person. So we cannot accuse of being a monster. He just rented that house. Before him moving in the house was just an abandoned one.....it bothered none.
JOSEPH- WHAT! Now monsters are renting houses...........Yes it can be.....the old grumpy woman whome I rented my outhouse is surely a monster.
KEVIN- Sometimes you should be serious Joseph.
JOSEPH- OKAY! But can you tell me something about this ghoul thing.
KEVIN- HMMMM.....There is mention of these creatures in some old Arabic manuscripts, it is believed that ghouls which is called ghul in Arabic and urdu is a type of hellish being's who have thirst for human blood and it can disguise itself into its last victims body pattern. aaaaaaa......during America- Iraq war some American soldiers got missing in the desert......after relentless searching there dead bodies were found in the middle of the desert.......not far away from a ancient sandstone temple. There bodies were chewd like a predator had feasted on their bodies. There werwere big number of bullet shell shells around the bodies which signifies that the soldiers had open fired on something. But the desert was not inhibited by any such animal which can kill a whole armed troop in such a demonic way...........so it was believed that they were attacked by a ghoul or ghouls which inhibited in the deserts inside those ancient temples.
JOSEPH- Very very interesting, dude so you are definitely researching on this house and this old man right.....???
KEVIN- With no doubt Joseph.....with no doubt.

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