

Stormy Night

It was a stormy night in the small town of Willow Creek. The wind was howling and the rain was beating against the windows of the old Victorian home. Inside, a young couple named Jack and Samantha were huddled around the fireplace, trying to stay warm.

After long journey home in catemeran.We taught to relive those moments. It was thankful time as all the passenger taught it would be our last journey and our names will be written in history as 260 passenger met the sea bed like the titanic tragedy.
The sea was rough waves was bigger than ship. Shaking as rocking on bed of rocks. We still remember the journey till the shore so must be all the travellers that day. The bond of friendship was tighten on that day till today we are family. Thou we do not meet much often but we know we can ouch for in time of crises any time in our life.,without even calling each other for help.We will be there beside each other to comfort in the our of pain and grief.

That was not it as soon as landed one of friend kissed the ground of shore as thanks giving. We never taught more was waiting for us that night As we stayed in farm house it started raining non stop for hrs. We were used to this type storm as we had experienced. The night was dark and storm began to roar. the speed of the winds increased it started raining endlessly. There water every where we taught we need to only keep our self warm.But suddenly wind was voilent like hurricane struck our roof top. water started pouring from every sides we were just collecting the rain water in buckets tumbler chatty but could sustain it was like waterfall. We covered the lickages with rugs or any type of jute cloth but nothing could stop dripping of water.
Nightmare became more worse the stormy winds started to shake the roof top hooks it was about rip off the roof. We would have had roof over our heads that night with this cold rain without a roof it would be impossible to survive. So we holded on to roof in the four corners of the house. The wind was violently trying rip off the roof. Nearly hours we stood holding on to the roof tightly. Hands were cramping so we took turns . We holded on that whole night. arms were paining as it difficult to grip the roof hooks against the stormy wind. But it was a miricle that night We holded on to that roof as tight as we could turn by trin. Survival of the fitess it was thou. back to back tragedy of life we faced that night.

The power had gone out hours ago and they were left with only a few candles to light their way. Samantha was curled up on the couch, her head resting on Jack's lap. He ran his hand through her hair, trying to soothe her nerves.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash outside. Jack jumped up, a look of panic on his face. Samantha clutched his hand, fear written all over her face. They crept toward the window and peered outside.

The wind had knocked over an old tree, blocking the driveway. There was no way to leave until the storm had passed. Jack tried to call for help, but the phone lines were down.

As the night wore on, the storm raged on. The couple talked and played games by candlelight, but they couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped. They tried to sleep, but every creak and groan of the old house kept them awake.

Finally, as the first light of dawn began to shine through the windows, the storm began to die down. Jack and Samantha breathed a sigh of relief. At last, they could leave.

As they stepped outside, they were greeted by a beautiful sight. The storm had cleared the air and the sky was painted with the most vibrant shades of pink and orange. Jack took Samantha's hand and they walked down the driveway, grateful to be alive and free.

They would never forget that stormy night, but they were thankful for the way it had brought them closer together. They knew that they could weather any storm as long as they were together.