

Reincarnation (Chapter 11 SHORT)
"*Yawn*" I couldn't help but sit up on the bed and yawned, stretching my body.

My eyes fluttered opened and as my blurry vision cleared, I saw all the female disciples looking at me with sparkling eyes.

"U-uh..." I couldn't help but trail off dumbly, "Oh my gosh you are so adorable! Let this big sister hug you!" The previous miss with a large bossom squealed before she embraced me.

"Tch.. She's just some… brat." One replied cooly as from beneath her hooded figure I saw her tremble.

~I- pft I-I don't know- pft~

<… That is oddly suspicious.. But I won't pry into any details for now..>

~*Sweat profusely* Uh haha...~

"Stop hugging her Bing Xue, we have to bring her to her first class." A simple yet elegant girl replied as dusted her clothing, albeit her face was slightly red.

"First class?" I asked, "Oh yeah! Come on Xiang Ting, lets pick an outfit for you." She exclaim helping me out of bed and pushing me into a fitting room. 

"E-eh!?" I exclaimed as they hurriedly pushed multiple clothing onto me to try on, even the girl who was wearing a hoodie did so.

I reluctantly did as they said before they eventually decided on the clothing for me.

It felt like 10 antagonizing hours has passed but when I asked them how long it has been they all said 10minutes.

I turned to look at the body length mirror, the dress was like every other dress. It was long but short enough not for the hem of it to get dragged on the floor.

My sleeves were covered with slight yet delicate frills, multiple pairs of elegant koi fishes were embroidered onto the baby blue skirt doing a small twirl as the skirt followed the direction of the wind and fluttered up slightly.

"Aww don't worry Xiang Ting, you're so pretty." Sister Bing [1] gushed as she looked as if she wanted to hug me once more.

[1]: Sister Bing is referring to Bing Xue otherwise known as the large bossom disciple whom hugged her.

"What's wrong Big Sister Bing?" I asked, "I-I don't want to crumple your dress" She stared at her twitching hands and looked back up at me.

"I must… Resist." She suddenly hung her head low, "Lets just leave her in her thoughts.." The indifferent looking girl trailed off as she stared on at the scene boredly.

"U-uh okay big sister what's your name?" I asked, tugging onto her sleeves slightly, she froze but turned to look at me.

"My name… It's Bing Hua." She responded before looking ahead of her as we walked towards the destination.

"Big sister Bing Hua? Are you related to Big sister Bing Xue?" I asked, "Yes.." She murmured loudly enough for me to hear.

I glanced back slightly to see a grumbling Bing Xue as she kept staring at her hands gloomily and glanced back at Bing Hua.

Bing Hua's face was a nonchalant as ever whereas hee sisters face is gloomy.

"So... What am I going to be doing there sister Hua?" I asked curiously, "Don't ask me luo luo was the one who planned it.." She replied.

"Luo… Luo?" I questioned as I felt a certain figure jolt, "Yeah it's the girl wearing a cloak." Sister Hua responded, gesturing towards her.

"Big sister Luo Luo?" I tested out, I saw her jolt slightly from her spot as her turned to face me. "What…" She spat out but it didn't seem to hold any malice.

"Big sister Luo Luo what is my first class about?" I tried asking her cutely as I tugged on her cloak.

Unexpectedly she jumped back in shock and I saw her hood flew back. She was covering her face with her hands as she began trembling slightly.

"Big sister L-" I tried asking her as I came nearer to her, "Why…" I heard her murmur under her breath.

"Big… Sister Luo Luo… Do you not like what I called you?" I asked sadly, whining a little.

"No…!" She exclaimed which shocked me a little at how intense the word was being said.

"O-oh… I see…" I murmured under my breath, "T-tch don't be down you little kiddo." She tsk'ed under her breath before I felt a warm hand pat the top of my head.

"Since you said that you wanted to do medical, we will bring you to class for basic medical stuff." She explained to me without looking at me.

"Oh! I can't wait!!" I squealed out happily, grabbing both of her hands cheerily. "… Let go of my hands." She froze up before gritting out her words.

"S-sorry…" I stutter out in response at how hostile she was, "I-… Tch fine just hold onto my hand as we go there." She looked away and held out her hand to me.

"Thank you big sister Luo Luo." I cheered up, smiling at her gleefully. "Not fair Luo Luo! You did this all on purpose just so she would cling onto you didn't you!?" Sister Bing Xue exclaimed with a jealous glance directed towards my hands which were clinging onto her arm.

"What are you talking about? You got a screw loose again?" Sister Luo huffed out in reply. "You know what I mean!" Sister Xue exclaimed out poutingly which I stared on awkwardly.

"Hm… Whatever." Sister Luo murmured under her breath as she led me away carefully without dragging me which I was thankful about.

[It took me quite a while to continue since I kind of lost motivation to continue this… I can somewhat continue it but the chapters will be short. Thank you guys for supporting this story!]

© Naruko