

Black Life matters
She was gossip topic of office leisure times, Whitney tried her best to forgo backbiters. What only mattered was her job and she knew continuing on calibre spoke for it, and just a colour couldn't cramp up her determined abilities but just sometimes the blues invade senses as to, 'Why me' but life reels go on and just pack of jokers can't take away what she meant to make out of her life, she had seen enough of grave days right from childhood that's the day she stepped out of her shell of protection taunts of kids calling names 'Blackboard', 'Black kitty' made her cry but she had been there and survived on all odds of her lives.

Hey, Whitney, are you coming at Annual corporate party tonight her thoughts interrupted by Jennifer Lawrence her only colleagues who used stand for her and didn't comply to colour discrimination and would speak for her at times frustrated.
Whitney replied, of course, sweety I will be there for sure, how can I miss the fun and moreover the director coming too right announcing the Diva of year and promotion list announcement, all excited can't wait and expect crossed fingers the beans spill and outcomes my name for a change, she giggled.
She left early and went shopping wanting look her best she chose for her black outfit just shaped well with her features but salesgirl made a narrow look to her, 'Mam I think you should try the white classy look collection they are too good and on sale shelf today.' She knew what was coming for her but ignored and just walked pass bill-paying counter and paid and left out.
Whitney was all set for making her kind of day and one last glance on her mirror saying, "Yes am the best."
The corridors we're jammed in Q for entry and hustle-bustle of DJ music and spirits of nights overtaking minds.
Whitney waited for Jennifer as she promised to meet her entrance but ogling eyes kept her sane minds disturbed but she just ignored the crowd.
Soon the program started with director speech and everyone we're in high spirits.
At last, the time finally arrived what Whitney longed for the names for the promotion she needed it badly as she had a family to support of 3sisters and 1 brother her dad was no more and she had seen her mama working hard meet ends. Her thought was interrupted and here come the names of this year promotion for their performance and good work for the company as names announced Whitney's heart was thumping and finally her name did not comply on the list but Jennifer Lawrence made her mark, she was happy for her friend but annoyed with the HR guys for not giving her deserved rights. The night went by with a flow of events but Whitney knew this was injustice and she had speak for herself let alone she being sacked if she spoke and so after rounds few drinks she blew up the guts to speak for all that bitterness inside her and walked pass stage and hold mike and spoke " Ladies and Gentlemen and honourable directors of companies am obliged to be a part of your prestigious group of companies and served with dedication for 3 years with all the hard work a employee needs to workup too and here just see in spite of racism spirits of my esteemed colleagues but am stunned to see that am still not eligible for any kind of promotion am in with bunch of hypocrites or is it colour of my skin that wacks my calibre to stand at best, I need replies to them maybe you sack me tomorrow for my unprofessional attitude but am standing here for all those black people of mine who are denied benefits when Lord dosent discriminate who are you to call us names and speak on colour when you all are hollow as black from hearts, give us our sanity and our democratic rights for freedom." She finished with rage and there was pin-drop silence in the room and out of the crowd a man in rose and clapped for her speech. Whitney gazed him with surprise good-looking, fair and just right looks anyone could flip for and kept staring at him and soon there was a round of applause for her. Jennifer came hurriedly beside her and congratulated for best wisely guts talk and with that ended a night.

The next day Whitney was expecting bad happen but she was ready for consequences and said to herself "Enough is enough no more am going to be a scary cat, I will stand for my rights."
As she entered office there was a glare all over her but nobody dares to speak anything. Soon she was called by CEO and he spoke to her softly and apologise for not being fair to her but what was more surprising was the guy sitting next to him the same guy who stood for her last night how could she forget him.
Her thoughts were interrupted by her CEO voice between you should meet our partner Mr Antonio Rodriguez and he has a special suggestion for your name and we are glad to announce you as the Manager of the operation from now onwards. Whitney thought the drinks must have effected more that's why she must be hearing unexpected news of her promotion but when Antonio stood to shake his hands she was taken aback, Oh yes it's reality striking on me and soon he congratulated her with a bouquet of flowers. Then all of sudden he took her hands and said, "Come with me Ms Whitney your colleagues need to cheer for you and let me tell you marvellous speech, you truly are a gem of honour to our company and with that, he took her out of the cabin and announced her promotion and there was round applaud for her she couldn't believe it actually happening with her and all the hysteria of emotional moments she sat down on her new cabin and lots of praise to follow her. Jennifer just hugged her tightly am so happy for you sweety well deserved dear. Later on, the end of the day as she was heading for her home busy in making calls to her family she saw a car honking continually on her she turned irritated on who was getting on her nerves and was ready strike back when she noticed it was none other then Mr.Antonio Rodriguez, Hey Whitney can I drop you home if that ok, and she had another moment of surprise and she hesitated but he insisted back to her. She was nervous and said " ok" not wanting sound rude to her boss. The ride was pleasant and he enquired on her life and everything on her and soon reached her house.she thanked him for the ride and he caught her hand back, " Can I ask you for dinner this Saturday night, that's if you don't have any plans." Whitney was shocked and didn't know what to say and just nodded to a yes.

© Soni Mirchandani