

12 words
We used to have a well at the backyard of our house. Usually, I'm always scared of going close to the well with the belief that I might fall in and drown. But sometime ago, something happened. I just served my dad and mum their lunch and went behind to draw out some water from the well. I was so scared when all of a sudden like a message from above, It was so real that I could bet someone was there to help me fight my fears, a lady I used to know just finished drawing her water and left me to do the same. It was almost like she could read my mind and see how fearful I was. While I was standing and thinking to myself why she couldn't wait for me or why she walked past the well, was when I felt that strong message drop in my heart, that the only well that can drown a man is the well of fears. I took a minute to think on this.. then the holy spirit immediately interpreted my misery and I wondered why I was scared of drawing the water in the first place.... I immediately put my bucket down into the well, drew out some water and walked away fearlessly.

This was a dream I had today 27th April 2016. It was like my heavenly father knew I have been battling with fears that I was sinking deep into.
Like the 12 words: the only well that can drown a man is the well of fears. It could be fear of death, failures, illnesses or sicknesses, fear of the unknown, fear of financial challenges and so many others. God already has our future in his Hands and it is left for us to trust Him with it. Though satan will always come to us to deceive us with his lies and deceits but as long as we have the Holy Sprit living in us..We will always be conquerors.
© Nma Elinwa