

Be you with you
Why are you getting in the hang of stuffs which make you feel insecure?
Why are you taking off your heels from the fights which can make you hubristic?
Are you expecting others to understand you ,
better than you understand yourself?
It's flummoxing to understand others
but it's better to understand yourself.
You are son of gun but you never understand,
you only understand things which make you disquiet.
Why you want others to be honest with you?
Albeit you are belied to yourself.
Stop crying over spilled milk ,stop finding loopholes in yourself,
Don't chastise yourself for narrow mistakes,mistakes are the only way to bring best version of you,
Don't lost your authentic version in this world of ananias ,
And yes Sometimes you need to choose between scylla and Charybdis,
only unpatable things can make you fly.
I don't want you to be pedant just wish you to be equanimous towards yourself.