

I Always Wonder..
I wonder what my father would have thought of me.
would he be pleased? My mother is losing her faculties. I'm thankful for the time that she and I have shared, I'm thankful that we have stories and she has seen my talent. she's encouraged me in so many ways and showed me the world.

So many people allow life to be destroyed by anger and dismay for they truly do not understand the power of positivity.. Life truly is amazing ,if you let it be. I'm thankful that I do not allow childhood trauma to stand in my way from enjoying my existence. I'm thankful that I wasn't able to take myself out of this world for I truly do have a mission to bring happiness and meaning to others., To spread a word like no other and enjoy life along the way.

Pain shouldn't be our price to pay to be in this life. I'm thankful that I learned early within my life to cultivate a friendship with myself and meditate upon my problems. I've allowed no one to stand in my way when I wanted to go experience something for I never knew who I would meet along the way nor the the conversations we might share.

I always wonder about the conversations that I would have had with my father, The experiences that we might have shared and I'm so thankful that he married my Mother. A woman who taught me many things, Who has showed me Christ like love and taught me that it cost nothing to bring happiness to others. she has given her all to see that her children grow up, determined and disciplined. within a world of chaos we are not alone for he is with us and life truly is amazing if you let it be.

For those wondering what happened to my father. he was killed when I was only 3 months old.

© Life is amazing, if you let it be!