

"Tell me nurse, is the patient ready?" A man in a white coat asked the nurse attending a slim pale skinned blonde haired patient in a white room.

"Yes doctor the patient has been given the drugs to make them less violent and more lucid." A young nurse said as she and a few male nurses left the room.

"Thank you. If I need anything else I'll let you know." The doctor stepped into the room and placed his tape recorder down on a table. On the opposite side sat his patient.

The patient simply stared out the window. Watching the gentle breeze brush through the branches of the trees.

"Brett, Brett." The doctor called out to the patient but he got no response.

A swarm of red birds flew by the window. "Dr. Pain, did you see the birds?" Brett asked the DR. not even turning to face him.

Dr.Pain pressed the start button on the recorder as he asked his first question. "Yes, quite beautiful. Do you like birds Brett?"

"Not really but after being in this place for so long I find them very fascinating." Brett answered in a monotone voice.

"I see. Brett I would like to start this session now. Can you please face me?" The DR. asked with a soft voice.

"Okay." Brett responded finally looking the DR. in the eye.

Dr. Pain cleared his throat and began his asking his questions. "Brett are you capable of answering all my questions?"

"Yes, I'm very lucid right now. At least until the drugs wear off." Brett anwered with just a bit of pep in his voice.

"Good then let's begin with, do you know why your here?" Dr.Pain asked Brett crossing his arms and leaning back on his chair.

"Back in August of 08 I killed my family and a few others." Brett said without any sympathy or remorse in his voice.

Turning his head side to side and the feeling of disgust in his stomach the DR. asked another question. "Who was your first victim and why?"

Before answering Brett let out a long and heavy sigh. "It was my first crush. As to why, hm I honestly have never given it much thought. I would have to say it was on pure impulse." Brett leisurely placed his hands behind his head, leaned back on the chair and rested his legs on the table.

"Impulse?" The DR. asked with a confused look. The shocking response of Brett had caught him off guard.

"Ya. That day I honestly hadn't planned anything of the sort. I remember it was a hot day after school. I lured her out by leaving a note in her locker telling her that I would give back her most precious belonging." Brett was calm in his delivery.

"What was her precious belonging?" Dr. Pain asked.

Brett calmly revisisted that day. "Her cell phone. I told her to meet me by the huge rock in the forest. She did and I wont lie she looked radiant in the sunlight. She had short black hair that was ear length. She was wearing a lime colored tank top. She had olive skin. The only thing that was wrong that day though was that her beautiful smile was gone. I told her that I had her phone but that before I gave it back she had to answer one question."

"What was the question and did you get an answer?" Dr. Pain asked fidgeting in his seat.

"I wouldn't be here if she hadn't." Brett readjusted himself in chair. He looked up at the ceiling moving his jaw before answering. "I told her that I was really crushing on her and that I would like to be her boyfriend. After I told her she stepped back and giggled. I asked her for a response and boy did she give me one. She gave me a disgusted look. Then told me I had greasy long hair, an annoying vioce, was pale, and smelled like fish. Her asnwer just so you know was a no if it wasn't clear." Brett kept looking at the ceiling avoiding the Dr.

"What happened next?" Dr. Pain asked already knowing waht happened that day.

"She took her phone and started to walk away. Before I knew it I had reached down and got a big rock and bashed her on the back of head. I could hear her groaning in pain but she couldn't move. I ran to my house got my deer rifle, two sets of clothes, my dad's axe and a shovel. I got back to where she wass laying. I stripped off her clothes, dug a hole and threw my clothes and hers into the hole. Then llit them on fire along with her cell phone and the note I had wrote her. I changed into a new set of clothes and then cut her limbs of one by one. Then I found a tree with a hole and stuffed her body parts in it. In that moment I won't lie, the thought of necrophelia crossed my mind." Brett recalled that day much clearer Dr.Pain noticed.

"What was the deer rifle for?" Dr.Pain asked genuinely intrigued. The body parts of the victim had been recovered but there was no gunshot wound.

"Well." Brett sat back in his chair as he popped his knuckles. "I spent the whole night looking for an animal to kill. I found one past midnight. I managed to lure a buck back to where I had killed her. I shot it twice, one in chest and then in the head. The blo0d on the ground mixed with the bucks blood."

"I thought you had done all this on impulse?" Dr.Pain asked.

"Killing her was on impulse but the rest I planned it. No sense in doing anything half assed." Brett answered coldly.

"What happened after that, did you go home the next day?" Dr.Pain asked.

"I did end up going home around eleven in the morning. My parents didn't worry about me. Mom was two months pregnant. Dad had the day off, so he was working on his car, a 67 red barracuda. The twin's had left to a friends house. Big bro was at morning football practice. I got home put back the tools and rifle in their place and took a shower. I ate breakfast." Brett looked happy as he told the Dr. about that morning.

"It was around two in the afternoon. I went downstairs to the kitchen got the plastic wrap. I put a skateboard at the top of the stairs and then I put layers and layers starting from the top of the stairs to the bottom of plastic. I made the twins their afteroon snack loaded it with rat poison along with a note that told them to eat it in the kitchen because mom was resting. Then I went to the garage. Dad had the motor out of the car and he was underneath the car. I realeased the chain holding the motor and it squashed my dads head like a tomatoe. It made a loud noise. So loud in fact mom ran out of her room and didn't notice the skateboard. She fell down the stairs getting the plastic wrapped over her head. She suffocated on the floor. The twins went straight to the kitchen and ate ther pb and j sandwiches a few minutes later they turned purple and died. It was around six in the evening that big bro come home and saw mom laying on the ground. I ran up behind him at hit him over the head with a baseball bat. I hit him three times caving in his his skull." Brett let out another sigh got up and streched.

"That...was gruesome and methodically thought out." Dr.Pain got up form his chair and looked out the window. "Do you feel any sort of remorse after these eleven years?"

"Na, hey doc you may want to call the nurses in." Brett said sitting back down in his chair.

"The drugs must be wearing off." Dr.Pain replied. He opened the door and called in the nurses.

The nurses put a straightjacket on Brett and dragged him back to his room.

"Any change doctor?" The female nurse asked.

"No, Brittany still has delusions that she is Brett the boy she kiilled." Dr.Payne pressed the stop record button and turned of the lights in the room closing the door on this unsuccessfull session.