

This is a story about a girl called Tracey and her journey. It was a hot spring morning in a small town known as the sleepy hollow some where in South Africa. The tension can be cut with a knife,as a mother is about to give birth to a baby she had no idea was even there, just a month earlier the future mum was told that she was pregnant. I know the horror how can this be?? sigh,the young mum is speechless how can this be Doctor ?I have had no symptoms, I had bloods with no sign of a pregnancy, I don't know what to think ?sniff, sniff, sobbing....
The day has arrived for this mysterious birth to happen,The young mother is in distress Doctor we must act fast or we will lose both mother and child.Who should we save? if we have no choice.The mother wants the child, the doctor starts preping the mother for emergency caesar.
Success!!! we have managed to save both, mother and child a sigh of relief on the faces of the loved ones and the medical team.The Doctor explains to the mum and dad the baby is still not out of danger...The doctor goes on to explain the little girl only weighs 500grams her head is the size of a golf ball the chances of her surviving is very slim maybe a 10 percent chance she needs to be incubated and put on a breathing modulator, the fragile weak tiny infant is kept in the incubator for 40 days, as she fight for her survival. A ray of hope she has overcome the worst,the nervous parents get to take there baby home after 40 days.Not sure where to keep the little one, she is so tiny that she can comfortably fit into a shoe box for safe keeping.Her family gets much joy in receiving her.The
Sloan carries his daughter with confidence of not losing her through the blanket.Her mum is so afraid to carry her, scared to lose the little "sardine baby" that is the nickname the doctors called her. She finaly meets her older brother who watches her closely being protective for harm not to come to baby. Catherine is Traceys mum she comes into earshot as she overhears a ugly vulgar remarks being spoken out jealousy & rage by her sister-in law, that a little bitch is born as she was unable to give birth to a girl child not for the lack of trying 4 sons. Catherine holds Tracey close with tears in her eyes,Crying out to God!!! Why God Why ?? would anyone curse my baby...I hand my baby to you God, takecre of my baby. Make her better let her live, oh please God.In few months she was strong and always had a twinkle in her eyes.Tracey had grown healthier by the years gone by, but her family noticed as she grew, her behavior was not of a normal 3year old. Tracey spoke with an understanding wich astounded those around her,there was a indefinite knowing of hidden knowledge and understandings As any child of 3 years old her family passed it of as an overactive imagination. Tracey was very talkative, could talk the hind leg of a donkey. She was hypersensitive, always speaking with confidence. She spoke of those dearly departed as though she could see ,touch and hold them.She spoke with such love and adoration about her paternal grandparents. They were deceased when her dad was 10 years of age he was orphaned through a tragedy his mum withered away through cancer ,while his dad poisoned through his favorite meal
through the greed of family members who stole all his wealth leaving Sloan destitute with his siblings.Despite the tragic losses of both parents Sloan made life work. So little Tracey new of her grandad, before her birth Tracey mum had a prophetic dream the her late father in law,he
Carried a little girl dressed in pink the elder brought news of the birth of Tracey. There was evidence of a grandad in the after life engaging with his unborn granddaughter , Hard to rationalize with the logical mind,how is this even possible? Through this journey Tracey amazed people around her having premonitions about people who were going to pass. Tracey had her first vision, that her little mind could reconcile at the age of 5.
Walking with her brother from the shop he was 7yrs of age
she saw a cat that had been run over laying dead on the sidewalk,
as she walked by in her minds eye she saw the soul of the cat get up out its body,she was terrified ran across the busy road her brother trying to stop her,she could hear nothing and her brother Bob was try to calm her down and find our what happened. When Traceys mum got home Bob explained to him mum about the incident,Traceys mum tried to convince her that everything was ok, but Tracey was convinced of what she saw. That night she slept in the safety of her mums arms.
As Tracey was getting older her visions were growing stronger.Tracey had a vivid vision as she was standing in the morning at school waiting for the siren to go of so the assembly can start.She watches the children arriving at school, a very peculiar incident unfolds,right before her eyes Tracey watches a little Kc fall down the stairs, accept it had not happened yet a few seconds after the vision occurred did Kc fall down the stair, Tracey could not understand how this can be. She was challenged having nobody realy understand her gift, she was mocked as she was so sensitive, Tracey cried alot because she felt so deeply when she explained what she saw her family members called her bad luck, Tracey was so heartbroken feeling so alone.Nobody understood her not her parents not her older brother. Instead they ridiculed her for being different,Her cousins all made fun of her. She was alone.
She found comfort in her dog Fluffy he loved her and she loved him unconditionally,that was her shining light her best friend Fluffy . Tracey always felt alone even in company she was realy quite and withdrawn she sat by her self.
It was a challenging time, as she could not relate her gift as normal so she just became a observer watching how other people related to one and other.Tracey longed to be normal , in many ways she wanted to fit in and be part of the team. Unfortunately the more she tried the more she came to realize that she walked this journey alone.She desperately wanted to be normal , accepted and seen as any young child would want. It is the 20th of October Tracey is sitting in her class at school, and her teacher looks up at her asking her about her project, she had forgotten the project at home in the rush of getting to school. So Mrs Peters calls Tracey to front of the class to discipline her for not bring her project.She took a ruler hitting Tracey on her knuckles, she cried with pain...Now Mrs Peter's requested that she sits down and be quite.Tracey sobbing and crying speaks to God having an internal dialogue, asking why is it that she is being treated unfairly, As she cried watching Mrs Peters after a half hour Mrs Peters collapsed in her other class session. The thing about Tracey is that when people hurt her,they have mysterious, incident happen which can not be explained under mysterious circumstances. Tracey is divinely protected and cared for. as we all are. She just has supernatural protection that can nor be explained. When she was 5years old Tracey was flung out of a moving vehicle, in peak traffic over an island onto the flowing traffic she landed under a moving truck,her aunt Sally jumped out the moving vehicle to stop the traffic at first there was no sight her,a bystander pointed under the truck.The truck was stopped and Tracey was found crossed legged under the truck, thankfully just a grazed knee no serious injuries, nothing short of a miracle. Tracey was always protected from harm those who tried to hurt or harm her. They definitely paid the price for there actions,they were dealt with through the universal law of cause and effect instant (Karma)
When Tracey turned 10 years of age due to her anxiety, she had come up with terrible eczema as she played in the garden she was shown three plants she was guided by her inner knowing, she mixed the leaves making a paste she had applied the mixture to the rash in a few days it was completely healed. Tracey was quite the alchemist through the guidance of spirit guides.Her mum took notice of this, expressing her shock to her family about Traceys gifts of making medicine ,she was able to heal herself and others. This was start of her journey. Tracey was gifted as a healer,clairvoyant, intuitive and energy worker .She went on to help many people from far and wide with there health and life challenges. Tracey was straight forward and feared nobody but her creator. As she grew Tracey was better able to control the gifts.
She learnt to trust her knowledge of divine wisdom.Tracey went on to face many challenges such a being attacked energetically from dark entity's at a young age.She had to learnt through meditation, guidance from her spirit guides, and her trust in God to push through these obstacles she faced knowing, she would come through anything unscathed and what does not kill her will definitely make her stronger. She faced a lot of health challenges because of not being in the flow with her purpose. She grew into a shy teenagers,Scared of being judged or being labeled as strange or weirdo At the age of 14 she developed a problem with her red blood cells thrombocytopenia.She has barely any blood she required a blood transfusion. Due to her body rejecting the blood,the doctor's chose remove her spleen to help her live a more healthy life.These health issues showed up as a result of Tracey not embracing her gifts as a healer. During her recovery in hospital she was approached by a minister who did his weekly rounds praying for the sick,can I pray for you he asked?Tracey said yes so the minister went on to pray using anointing oil on her forehead. As the minister left Tracey felt relaxed and comforted, as she was falling of to sleep Tracey had a clear vision of Jesus Christ. He appeared and told her there was no need to worry that she was healed.The next day the minister arrived during the visiting time Tracey shared her experiences through the night,the minister said to her that was divinely touched, Wich Tracey did not underunderstand until much later into her journey.....
Tracey could not handle peopleor animals being sad ,hurt,sick,or in any form of distress.She took it upon herself, to do all that she could to help and assist people.She went on to make medicine, Touch therapy to enhance the natural healing process.She was always guided to exactly were the physical issues were.This was Traceys journey up until her mid teenage years.

To be continued............